Leonard Sweet, Soul Salsa

Sweet, LeonardSoul Salsa: 17 Surprising Steps For Godly Living In The 21st

Soul Salsa: 17 Surprising Steps For Godly Living In The 21st Century

(Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 2000) 224 pages, hardback, $18.99. Obtain from Zondervan Publishing House, 5300 Patterson Ave. S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49530.

Soul Salsa is vintage Sweet. The author shares seventeen […]

Briskin, Alan, The Stirring of the Soul in the Workplace

(San Francisco, California: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1998). 288 pages, paperback, $16.95. Obtain from Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 415-288-0260.

This is an excellent companion to Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers or Growing Spiritual Redwoods. This delightful, uplifting book inspires as well as lays bear the problems with the mechanical, efficient view around which much of today’s churches […]

Cymbala and Merrill, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire

Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire: What Happens When God’s Spirit Invades the Heart of His People, by Jim Cymbala with Dean Merrill (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1997)188 pages, hardback, $16.99. Obtain from Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

This book should be required reading for every pastor. It is a powerful testimony to the […]

Robert E. Webber, Ancient-Future Faith

Webber, Robert E.Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmo

Ancient-Future Faith: Rethinking Evangelicalism for a Postmodern World, by Robert E. Webber (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 1999), 240 pages, paperback, $15.99. Obtain from Baker Book House Company, PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287.

Webber provides us with a concise picture of hot Classical Christianity and […]

Michael Mazarr, Global Trends for 2005

Mazarr, Michael J. Global Trends for 2005: An Owner’s Manual for the Next Decad

St. Martin’s Press, New York, 1999) 330 pages, hardback, $27.95. Obtain from St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010)

Although the book is not written for church leaders, the author identifies a host of trends that will affect ministry […]

Kim Miller, Designing Worship

Miller, KimDesigning Worship

Designing Worship: Creating and Integrating Powerful God Experiences (Loveland, CO, Group Publishing, Inc. 2004), 159 pages, paperback, $22.00 (Obtain from Group Publishing, PO Box 481, Loveland, CO 80539.)

You can’t get more down-to-earth and useful than Kim Miller’s conversational and challenging writing.  Designing Worship is a smorgasbord that can satisfy the appetite of any […]

Charles Van Engen, God’s Missionary People

Van Engen, Charles God’s Missionary People: Rethinking The Purpose of the Local

(Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Books, 2001) 223 pages, paperback, $16.99. Obtain from Baker Books, P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287.

Van Engen has hit a home run. His view of the relationship of the church to mission is clear and compelling. The author […]

Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team

Lencioni, PatrickThe Five Dysfunctions of a Team – A Leadership Fable

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – A Leadership Fable, by Patrick Lencioni (San Francisco, CA, Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Company, 2002) 229 pages, hardback, $22.00. (Obtain from Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Company, 989 Market Street, San Francisco, CA 94103-1741

The author zeroes in on the absolute […]

How to Start a New Service

There are several essentials to effectively starting an indigenous service.

1.       Identify the key issues in the target audience. Do they see church as an option, when would they most likely attend, and why don’t they attend now?  Conducting a focus group with the appropriate age group can help you obtain this information.  Design the […]