When You’re Invisible, Get Noticed

My first church out of seminary had a cute little building on what the B-52s called The Atlanta Highway, better known by the locals as Highway 78. That highway ran between Athens and Atlanta and through both Between (yes, a real town) and Loganville. Ron Levin was pastor of the Between Methodist Church and […]

Six Systems of Lay Mobilization

The following is an excerpt from our workbook Disciple Making Leaders.  To purchase the entire workbook go to http://easumbandy.com/store/shop/EBA_store.html?state=search&cartid=3b5d034dc125c75ace188e2e8df7dc0d

I.  The Steps in making disciples or mobilizing a congregation.  This is the primary measure of how much value a paid staff person adds to the mission of the church.

A.      Identify those who appear ready for discipleship.

1. One […]

Creating Our Own Culture

Bill Easum

I just finished one of the best books I have read in the last several years.  The book is Synchronicity: The Inner Path of Leadership, by Joseph Jaworski (Berett-Koehler) At first I wasn’t sure about the book. It begins with the simple telling of Jaworski’s personal journey (Joseph is the son of Leon […]

What Goes Around Comes Around

For the week of June 20, 2005

What Goes Around Comes Around

By: Tom Bandy

Countless rural churches provide refreshment booths at county fairs, fall festivals, and innumerable community events. They have pie booths, ice cream booths, turkey dinner booths, craft booths, and entertainment booths. The problem is, all these booths charge money for something. Churches are […]

Apostolic Movements: Contemporary Apostle

Contemporary Apostle by Todd Hunter
Thousands of Acts of Being Sent
Something gets lost when that which was meant to be familiar and recognizable among a people is made exceptional and mysterious. It is even worse when such a gift is thought to have hero status or celebrity attached to it. The situation can get down […]

Getting Noticed by the Media

Most of the time, when a church leader starts thinking about the need for marketing, they’re thinking about a specific event (like the annual Christmas bazaar, Easter service, the Habitat build, etc.) and they tend to think advertising – which is expensive. In this blog, however, we’ll be exploring how to get the media’s […]

How Effective Is Your Church’s Website?

The number is climbing, but here’s the most commonly reported stat: at least 85 percent of first-time church guests visit a congregation’s website before they make their initial visit. For some of you, this should be a terrifying thought. Recently, I’ve visited church websites that are still advertising Easter Sunrise Services, introducing their new […]

Mobilization Mindshift

There is a shift of mindset – a mindshift, if you will – going on today when it comes to how pastors view their role and their congregations. In the past most pastors looked for volunteers who they could convince to fill some committee or ministry slot in the church.  The result is that 80% of the people […]

Make Father’s Day Special

Let’s face it, Father’s Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of holidays. It’s the, “I get-no-respect” little brother to Mother’s Day. Father’s Day will probably never achieve the popularity or social significance of Mother’s Day but as church we can celebrate the men who are called to be the Spiritual leaders of their homes.

Here are […]