Backyard Missionaries

When most people hear the word “missionary” they think of someone going off to a foreign country. That used to the case. But no more. Today, in the U.S., we are called to be “back yard missionaries” to our networks.

Today, only 30 percent of the missionaries being sent out in the world are from the […]

Is 2011 Time to Get a Coach?

Bill Tenny-Brittian and I have room for a few more people to coach in 2011.  We limit the number of people we each coach, so if you’re interested, now is the time to contact us. You have your choice of either one of us at the moment.

Studies show that pastors who have a coach do […]

On the Verge

Alan Hirsch and Dave Ferguson have given us a jewel in the book “On The Verge.”  Obviously by the title one can assume they sense Western Christianity is on the verge of something big- an apostolic movement of gigantic potential for the Church in the West.

What I like about this book is the blending of […]

Seismic Shifts

I’ve lived through a number of seismic shifts the last twenty years.  These shifts have changed the way I think and consult and I’m watching how they have affected effective pastors. Those who haven’t assimilated these shifts lead declining churches and those who have assimilated them are leading growing churches. So I want to […]

Churches, Cyber

Alpha church   You can join and even be baptized online.  This is the most complete site I’ve found so far.
www.Life.TV has a large online community.

Ministry Lessons: 5 Ways to Turn Children Into Leaders

Most churches have a natural hierarchy of top-level responsibilities, spearheaded by the lead pastor or ministry leaders. But all believers should be ready and willing to lead, and it starts with teaching children in the congregation leadership skills.

Research shows that leaders tend to have higher cognitive ability, more self-confidence, and more motivation to drive. […]

The Burden of the Suburban Church

My last twenty-four years of local church ministry were spent in an up-and-coming suburban church. Like most suburbanites, many of my flock were into getting ahead, building fences around their homes, chauffeuring their children to this-and-that, and distancing themselves from the rift-raft of the world. .  Most of the members were content with living […]

Essentials for Moving from Attractional to Missional

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I’m constantly being asked how to transition a church from purely attractional to truly missional. It’s a good question because if a church is purely attractional, it’s not really a church. So here is how I respond.

At least four things have to take place before such a transition can be made. Here […]

Five Things I Wish Every Small Group Leader Knew

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

In the North American House Church Movement there are all kinds of small group and House Church leaders, but we can pretty well divide them into two groups: Those with formal training (Bible college or seminary) and those without.  So far, in my experience and study, the ones without have far less […]