Price Pritchett, Resistance

Pritchett, PriceResistance: Moving Beyond The Barriers To Change

(Pritchett & Associates, Inc., 1996) 34 pages, paperback, $5.95. Obtain from Pritchett & Associates, Inc., 13155 Noel Road, Suite 1600, Dallas, Texas 75240, 214-789-7999 Fax: 214-789-7900.

This excellent, tiny handbook contains a concise and accurate picture of how to understand and work with the typical forms of resistance […]

Lyle Schaller, The Very Large Church

Schaller, Lyle E.The Very Large Church: New Rules for Leaders

Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2000) 247 pages, paperback, $20.00. Obtain from Abingdon Press, 201 Eighth Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203

The Very Large Church is one of Schaller’s best books to date. It is a must read for ANY size church because it challenges ALL the […]

Walt Mueller, Understanding Today’s Youth Culture

Mueller, WaltUnderstanding Today’s Youth Culture

(Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois, 1999) paperback, 461 pages, $14.99. Obtain from Tyndale House Publishers, 351 Executive Drive, Carol Stream, IL 60188

Originally published in 1994, this definitive work has been revised and expanded in 1999. The author has been involved in youth ministry for 25 years. Parents, teachers, and […]

Sally Morgenthaller, Worship Evangelism

Morgenthaler, SallyWorship Evangelism

(Zondervan Publishing House, 1995), 320 pages, hardback, $19.99. Obtain from Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

For several months I have heard people mentioning this book. I never bothered to read it because after all, how much more can be said about the subject. Well, let me tell you, Morgenthaler tells it all […]

Joseph A. White, The Baby Boomer Bible Study

White, Joseph A. The Baby Boomer Bible Study

(White Diversified Engineering, Inc., 1996) 374 pages, paperback, 1 to 9 copies $19.95, 10 or more $17.95, Texas residents add 7.75%sales tax, shipping and handling $3.95 for the first book and $0.75 for each additional book. Obtain from White Diversified Engineering, Inc., P. O. Box 171084f, Arlington, […]

Choose Wisely in the Game of LIFE

Do you remember the Milton Bradley board game from the 1960’s called “The Game of LIFE?”  At the beginning of the game as you turn the distinctive spinner you are confronted with two choices. You must choose to either go directly into business or go to college. For some reason as a kid playing […]

Reimagining Spiritual Formation

by Doug Pagitt

(Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 2003), 163 pages, paperback, $16.99.  (Obtain from Zondervan, 5300 Patterson SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49530.)

Pagitt has shared with us a bird’s eye view of one of the premier experimental communities of faith in the U.S.  Solomon’s Porch is a holistic, missional community of faith in Minneapolis that goes […]

8 Habits of a Life-Changing Small Group Leader

Here is a post from Church Leaders that is worth reading.

Make time with God a daily priority. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35 NIV
Follow the best example and […]

Robert Withnow, After Heaven

Wuthnow, Robert After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950’s

(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1998), 290 pages, hardcover, $29.95. Obtain from University of California Press, 510-642-4999.

Wuthnow chronicles the changing pattern of spirituality in the U.S. that began in the 1950’s and was nurtured in the 1960’s. He sees two very different forms of […]