3 Effective Church Fundraisers for Children & Youth Groups

...supplies, and food can quickly add up, but they shouldn’t hold you back from planning fun activities for your group. In this quick guide, we’ll look at three powerful ways...

Dealing with the Press

Online Conversation

It is very wise to deal cautiously and carefully with the Press since most of them bring some serious bias or prejudice to the interview and will usually print only what they want to out of an interview even if it is not important to the interview. The headline is about all most […]

Grilled Cheese, Fish Sticks, and Manger Scenes

December 5, 2004

Where is God?

A boy went with his family to one of those live nativity scenes at a church. There was a big crowd and he was really anxious to get close to see the live manger scene. Intent on getting as close as he could, he picked his way through the crowd, […]

Turn Water into Wine … or at Least Turn Your To-Do Lists into Done

You’ve got the vision. You’ve got the mission-critical goals. Now, what you need is the time management strategy to make it all happen. In a world where pastors are expected to be spiritual leaders, counselors, and administrators, time is your most valuable asset. Let’s talk about how to prioritize it effectively.

The ABCDE of Time […]


Cultural holidays are wonderful opportunities to attract people to your church. Take last weekend’s Super Bowl as an example. For years the church I pastored would host ‘Football Sunday’ and we would encourage unchurched people, especially men, to attend services wearing their favorite team’s jersey or colors. As a part of my message on […]

Neighborhood Missionaries

This came to me today from one of the churches I coached.  I thought you might enjoy it.  This is what I mean by “Neighborhood Missionaries.”

The Church Has Left The Building…We’ve Gone Outreaching!

FUMC Servant Evangelism teams have done just that! 

Since April, we have made about 1,400 contacts through 11 scheduled events! We’ve had […]

Everything Must Change

By Brian McLaren

As are all of McLaren’s book, Everything Must Change is extremely well written and researched prose bordering at times on poetry. His theme is simple yet profound – unless everything changes in our approach to the suicidal systems story that drives today’s world life on this planet isn’t sustainable. He argues for Christians to believe a […]

Confession of Two Mainline Church Geeks

We’ve Got a Confession to Make.
We’ve been mainline Christians most of our lives.
We choose the mainline because of its theology.
But over time the mainline Church has fallen into a free fall decline.
And that pains us.
We hate to see once great institutions dying. So we’re not going to just sit back and watch it […]

The Price of Freedom and Independence

This was sent to me today and I thought it was worth sending on. As you read it you might ask, “Where has this kind of commitment gone in our country and our churches?”

Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence?

Five signers were captured by the […]