Gerard Kelly, RetroFuture

Kelly, GerardRetroFuture

(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1999), 237 pages, paperback, $12.99, Obtain from InterVarsity Press, PO Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515.

RetroFuture is a must read. It is clear, concise, and biblically pointed in the questions that it poses. Anyone can understand this book without forfeiting any depth whatsoever. The author is a gift […]

Tom Hohstadt, Dying to Live

Hohstadt, ThomasDying to Live: The 21st Century Church

( Damah Media, Odessa, TX, 1999) 199 pages, paperback, $10.99 Obtain from Damah Media, 3522 Maple, Odessa, Tx 79762.

Thomas Hohstadt is one of the new digital prophets pointing the way into the future. Hohstad offers us a fascinating and easy read about a difficult subject – the […]

Darrell L. Guder, The Continuing Conversion of the Church

Guder, Darrell L.The Continuing Conversion of the Church

( Grand Rapids, MI, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2000) 222 pages, paperback, $20.00. Obtain from Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 255 Jefferson Ave. S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49503-4570.

Following in the steps of two of his previous books, Be My Witness and The Missional Church, Guder explores […]

Craig Van Gelder, The Essence of the Church

Van Gelder, CraigThe Essence of the Church

(Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 2000), 207 pages, paperback, $18.99, Obtain from Baker Book House Company, PO Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516.

Craig Van Gelder wades through the many misconceptions church people have about the word “church” and offers a clear and biblical meaning by drawing together […]

Brian McLaren, The Church on the Other Side

McLaren, BrianThe Church on the Other Side

(Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1998, 2000 formerly titled Reinventing Your Church) 227 pages, hardcover, $17.99. Obtain from Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

This is a book worth purchasing even though it is a revision and expanded edition of Reinventing Your Church. The author has added one […]

Lyle Schaller, Discontinuity and Hope

Schaller, Lyle E.Discontinuity and Hope: Radical Change and the Path to the F

Discontinuity and Hope: Radical Change and the Path to the Future, by Lyle E. Schaller, (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1999), 231 pages, paperback, $16.00. Obtain from Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN 800-251-3320.

This book just joined my list of the top ten books of […]

Tim Wright, The Prodigal Hugging Church

Wright, TimThe Prodigal Hugging Church

( Joy Resources, Ausburg Fortress, Minneapolis, MN, 2001) 63 pages, paperback. Obtain from Ausburg Fortress, Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440.

By far the best case yet for the church unashamedly embracing culture in order to reach people for Christ. Tim Wright shows us how to evangelize by “hanging out” with the […]

How to Get First-Time Visitor Contact Information

If you don’t follow-up on your first-time visitors within a few hours of their visit, you shouldn’t be surprised if your church isn’t growing.

Every single study shows that follow-up is critical, and yet I still hear pastors handing out their … pardon me … lame excuses for why they don’t do it.

If your […]

A Church that Lost it’s Spirit – Jorge Acevedo

Video Interview with Jorge Acevedo, turnaround pastor of Grace United Methodist Church


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