4 Ways to Foster a Culture of Giving In Women’s Ministry

No matter the size, your women’s ministry is a community of sisters in Christ who gather to learn and worship. Whether you aim to instill leadership qualities into your church’s youth or equip believers to minister to others, the culture of your ministry’s community dictates how you’ll put your faith into practice.

The Christian church […]

Managerial Aspects of Leadership

By Bill Easum

Being the pastor of a church requires many things not taught in seminary. One of those things not taught is the managerial aspects of leadership. Whereas leaders look outward to the future, managers look inward to the moment.

In a small church the pastor has to be both manager and leader if the […]

Why Most Church Consultations Don’t Make a Long-Term Difference

We at 21st Century Strategies have been doing church consultations for over twenty-three years and we’ve had the opportunity to study why some churches thrive after a consultant has done their job and why other churches fail. Conversations with other church consultants reveal a lot of the same data. Here’s the bottom line: for […]

The Summer Express: What I’ve Learned from Locomotion

It’s always bothered me to spend months busting my backside to get an effective ministry launched in September/October only to have it roll to a virtual stop by mid-June. Sure, there are lots of excuses for the “summer slump,” but it turns out that most of these slumps happen because churches don’t just get […]

Blanchard, Carlos, Randolph, Three Keys of Empowerment

(San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1999) 276 pages, hardback, $20.00. Obtain from Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., San Francisco, CA.

A highly practical companion to Empowerment Takes More Than Minute that can help church leaders who: one, wish to change from a command and control to a permission-giving, empowered organization; two, want to change from a hierarchical, […]

Cyber Security for the Church?!

By Guest Blogger Craig Huss

Published in Net Results Magazine, Nov-Dec 2019

The Tuesday after Thanksgiving, known as GivingTuesday, is a day set aside for people to support the organizations, causes and communities that mean the most to them – often through charitable online donations.

It’s a significant time for religious organizations, which are the nation’s largest […]

Cathy Townley, Designing Worship Teams

Townley, Cathy
Designing Worship Teams

Designing Worship Teams, by Cathy Townley (Nashville, TN, Abingdon Press, 2002) 174 pages, paperback, $17.00. Obtain from Abingdon Press, 201 Eighth Avenue South, P.O. Box 801, Nashville, TN 37202-0801.

This is one of those books that people responsible for worship should read, especially artists. The book is written from the artist’s perspective […]

Randy Newman, Questioning Evangelism

Newman, RandyQuestioning Evangelism

(Grand Rapids, MI, Kregel Publications, 2004), 269 pages, paperback, $12.99.  (Obtain from Kregel, Inc., PO Box 2607, Grand Rapids, MI 49501.)

Viewed from the evangelical perspective, this book borderlines on the profound. Viewed from any perspective, Newman brings a new meaning to the word “Evangelism.” With huge amounts of compassion, Newman brings apologetics into […]

Nelson and Appel, How to Change Your Church

Nelson, Alan and Gene AppelHow To Change Your Church

(Nashville, TN; Word Publishing, 2000) 353 pages, hardback, $21.99. Obtain from Word Publishing, P.O. Box 141000, Nashville, TN.

The authors have provided a valuable tool for church leaders taking their congregations through significant change. The book is a survey of some of the classic material on change, […]