Celebrate Fathers Day

Father’s Day will probably never achieve the popularity or social significance of Mother’s Day, but as church we can celebrate the men who are called to be the Spiritual leaders of their homes.

Use this holiday to remind fathers of their crucial roles in creating and sustaining a spiritually healthy environment for their children. Here […]

Pushing the Limits of Possibilities

By Bill Easum

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13. I wonder how many church leaders really believe this? More importantly, I wonder how many live as if they believe it? This text raises several questions-“What would I change about my life if I truly incorporated this text into my life?” […]

What’s a Leader to Do?

It was a train wreck in the making. The senior pastor had been called when the church was averaging about 400 in worship and he led a growth initiative that took the church to nearly 1000. But between the 400 and the 1000 came a revelation to the church’s leadership, including the board. The senior […]

Why Your Church Needs an Outreach Avatar

In a world where attention spans are shrinking and competition for time is fierce, churches face the monumental task of staying relevant and impactful. The key to overcoming this challenge lies in understanding your target audience—your Outreach Avatar. Contrary to popular belief, having a specific Outreach Avatar doesn’t limit your reach; it actually expands […]

Don’t be like Larry

Of all the commercials that aired on the last Super Bowl broadcast, one stood out to me.  Larry David, the famously crotchety actor known for Curb Your Enthusiasm and his creative partnership with Jerry on “Seinfeld”, plays his cynicism for laughs by mocking humanity’s great innovations. The wheel, he declares, is “a miss.” He […]

Avoid the Three Deadly Coaching Blunders

by Bill Tenny-Brittian

Many church leaders give coaching a try. They’ve read and heard about the new wave of leadership development through effective coaching and so they decide to implement it in their context. Sadly, when all is said and done, most coaching programs sputter to a standstill and coach and coachees end up disillusioned and […]

The Secret to the Future of Western Christianity

We all know Western Christianity is in deep trouble. I won’t dwell on that. Instead, I want to share the secret to our future.  It’s simple.  The secret to our future lies in our ability to unlearn and rethink the possibilities.

The primary unlearning is that people no longer automatically come to church or think […]


If you need mentoring , here is what 21st Century Strategies suggests

Join our forum which puts you into the mainstream of my personal mentoring online. IT is here that you can submit specific questions for Bill Easum and Bill Tenny-Brittian and others to answer.
Browse our4000+ pages of free resources on our website at […]


When I talk to pastors a common phrase I hear is ‘getting back to normal’. That is never going to happen. Because of the very nature of change, things are never going back to whatever you think normal was. I also hear pastors mention ‘a new normal’. Forget about it. Churches should never conform […]