An Interview with Frank Viola

I had a chance to chat with Frank Viola recently.  You may recall, Frank has published some very controversial books lately.  Then along came Jesus Manifesto coauthored with Len Sweet, a long time friend.   When I asked Frank if he would talk with me about the book, he was gracious to talk to me.  Here […]

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

By: Bill Easum

My hearts aches.

Too many new church plants either don’t make it past eighteen months or remain so small they can barely survive, much less thrive. Why do so many church plants not reach their potential?

It certainly isn’t because they don’t try or don’t care. Church planters […]

A Multi-Site Church Road Trip

Leadership Network is doing a blog tour for the new book, A Multi-Site Church Road Trip, by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, and Warren Bird.  I have been asked to participate with the bloggers.  I was asked to submit a question to which the three would respond.

Here is my question to Geoff, Greg, and Warren.

“What […]

Ensuring Growth by Rick Warren

How do you structure a church so it just keeps on growing and doesn’t plateau? I believe there are ten essentials you must focus on as you structure your church.

1. You must develop an unshakable conviction about growth.

First and foremost, you need to settle on the idea that God wants his church to grow. […]

The Scope of Our Ministry

One of the crucial issues facing many North American church leaders today is to
understand the scope and focus of mission. When thinking about mission, too many church leaders still think in terms of some Christian activity that takes place either across town, or in another state, or overseas. The totality of mission activity for […]

Killers that Stunt Your Personal and Organizational Growth

Turn around or growth are usually the result of some action taken by the leadership.

Usually its not the little changes that kill a church, but the big changes that go untried.  Either leadership is afraid of these BIG changes or they can’t even imagine them.  Either way, nothing is deadlier than ignoring the BIG […]

The Role of the Transformational Senior Pastor

Over the years, there has been a good bit of talk about what a senior pastor is “supposed” to be doing when it comes to leading a church. However, it’s clear that the lead pastor’s tasks must be driven by whatever “stage” a church finds itself in. If the pastor is leading a traditional […]

An Open Letter to a Disciple; Parts 1 and 2

Not long ago on our advanced leadership listserv (, a member posted a stirring message in which he asked:

Dear Bill:

My sense is that it’s around these bottom-line issues that most of us still feel overwhelmed and still struggle. It feels to me like we should be taking our discussions on this forum to a […]

Getting Noticed by the Media

Most of the time, when a church leader starts thinking about the need for marketing, they’re thinking about a specific event (like the annual Christmas bazaar, Easter service, the Habitat build, etc.) and they tend to think advertising – which is expensive. In this blog, however, we’ll be exploring how to get the media’s […]