The Fall and Rise of Dead-Horse Churches

I’m sure you’ve heard the twin adages “Stop beating a dead horse” and “If you find yourself riding a dead horse, dismount.” But what if that “dead horse” is your local church? What if everything you’ve done as a church leader seems to have been for naught? What if you’ve taken your church’s pulse […]

Does Every Group Need a Leader?

I received an email today from a client asking me if every group, even a micro group, needed an identified leader. Here is my response.It’s been my experience that no group functions at its peak without an identified leader. Even in a group of three or four, someone will emerge as first among equals […]

Examples of Mission Statements

Shared Congregational Leadership Doesn’t Work

Recently, I received an email from a member of our Advanced Leadership forum asking an excellent question that many pastors ask. Here it is.

“I just received George Barna’s latest e-news where he has an article ’30 Respected Leaders Weigh in on What It Takes to be a Master Leader.’ I want to shift the focus from […]

How to Promote Your Church’s Values While Fundraising

Fundraising is a key part of sustaining your church as it provides the resources you need to run your church properly and support your programming. However, at its core, fundraising is about gathering the funds necessary to fulfill your church’s vision and uphold your values.

When you incorporate your church’s values into your fundraising, you […]

Faith-Based Fundraising: 4 CRM Tips to Build Relationships

Relationships are crucial to your church’s mission. To reach and impact your community, you likely aim to welcome newcomers, retain visitors, and strengthen relationships with members. 

The same is true when it comes to church fundraising. Fortunately, there are fundraising tools available to help your church build and strengthen relationships with its supporters. 

Church membership management […]

Measuring Church Transformation

In August, I wrote a blog entry on why so many church consultations fail to net positive, long-term results. As I wrote that article, in the back of my mind was the ongoing question that I often get about how to measure a church’s transformation. There’s always a lot of pushback from church leaders […]

The Five Tasks of a Successful Lead Pastor

This week I want to talk about the multifaceted role of a successful lead pastor in the Post-Covid Church. To begin with, though, I’d like us to get one thing straight: as the lead pastor, you’re the captain of the church ship. Everything from the high seas of worship to the nitty-gritty of budgeting […]

Online Shopping Fundraisers for Churches: The Complete Guide

If you’re a church leader, fundraising coordinator, or giving committee member, you’ve probably spent time thinking about what goes into a successful church fundraiser. However, the best giving initiatives are not just lucrative—they also make effective use of your team’s limited time and resources while engaging your congregation.

One engaging, resource-efficient way to raise extra […]