Why Most Church Consultations Don’t Make a Long-Term Difference

We at 21st Century Strategies have been doing church consultations for over twenty-three years and we’ve had the opportunity to study why some churches thrive after a consultant has done their job and why other churches fail. Conversations with other church consultants reveal a lot of the same data. Here’s the bottom line: for […]

Nominations Made Simple

Bill Easum

The following works well in a traditional church.

STEP ONE: Train all staff to identify, recruit, equip, and lead laity into ministry rather than simply doing the ministry for them.

STEP TWO: Require all staff to develop a list of 25 new potential leaders during the year that they will recommend to the Nominating Committee.

STEP […]

Addition to Multiplication

If you’re been reading my posts, you know for the past couple of years I’ve been working with an Exponential think tank to examine what they are calling a Level 5 Church. Basically a Level 5 church is one that is committed to multiplication at every level. The heart of the Level 5 Church […]

Pulling the Trigger – Part Three

Leaders Must Manage Their Teams
For our purpose we will define a team as “a small group of people with complementary skills who have affinity for one another and who are invited, not elected, by an individual to do the following: achieve a common goal and place that goal before their individual interests, integrate their […]

Getting Beyond the Mirror

The other night, I met with a new church plant’s core leadership for a planning session. Each member of the leadership core has served the church literally for years and are all excited about making a difference in their community. The new church is using a cell group model for their church plant and […]

Do You Have the Courage to Lead?

As a pastor, I wasn’t taught or mentored in how to be a leader.  So I have had to dig deep inside to prayerfully find and develop an inner leader or suffer the consequences.

Perhaps you have been on that same journey.  You would understandably assume that being a pastor is about being pastoral.  But […]

Preaching Without Notes

Forum conversation

I have been preaching without a podium, pulpit, or manuscript for a year now. I essentially learn the flow of the message I have manuscripted earlier in the week, put a few post it notes in my Bible, depend occasionally on power point to jog my memory, and trust that something good will […]

How to Develop a Meaningful Women’s Bible Study Group

Do you feel called to lead a women’s Bible study? Are you unsure of how to get started? 

You don’t have to have years of ministry leadership under your belt to serve the women in your community through a Bible study. But to foster a meaningful experience for participants, there are a few things you […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Six: Why It’s Next to Impossible for Mainline Churches

The issue of church multiplication is either a mystery or an unknown to most mainline pastors and denominational leaders. Most of them are simply trying to survive, so the gap between survival and multiplication is wider than the Grand Canyon.

But what would have to happen to make multiplication possible for mainline churches?

There would […]