Alpha: Effective Outreach

Christendom is dead.  It used to be that Christianity was referenced in textbooks, the media, the arts, and in daily conversation, with certain regularity; it was assumed that most people, at least in America, were Christian.  It used to be, but not any more.  It’s a shock to realize when you’re a Christian, and are interacting casually […]

Turning First-Time Visitors into Returning Guests [Connections Part 1]

According to our research, it appears that in North America less than 15 percent of first time church visitors return for a second visit. I’m sure it doesn’t follow denominational lines exactly, but it appears that in mainline denominations that number actually hovers nearer to 11 percent. That means that if 100 visitors graced your […]

Older Adult Ministries

Did you know that there are more people over the age of 65 than under the age of 18 in the U.S.? Did you know that 50% of older Americans have no religious affiliation? Did you know in 1900 the average life expectancy for Americans was 47 and today it is 77? Did you […]

Things I Wish I’d Known

My years of education have let me down over the years. The only thing I use on a daily basis from High School and nine years of college, seminary, and graduate work is typing. And I use all my fingers, not just my thumbs! Even spelling, which I dearly hated, is done by a […]

Pastor Parish Committee (UMC)

One of the biggest mistakes some UM Churches do is to turn the Pastor Parish Relations Committee into a Staff Parish Relations Committee. On the surface this sounds democratic and good. Everyone on the staff has direct access to the personnel committee. However, there are many ramifications of this decision and only one of […]

Ministry in an Emerging Culture

The following is from one of our online coaching seminars in 2002.

Ministry in an Emerging Culture
Brian McLaren

I’m looking forward to this chance to interact with you through the EBA Community.

As for background reading, it makes the most sense to assume that any of my books would be good background:
• The Church on the Other […]

From the Latest Net Results: Is Evangelism Dead?

Dr. Bruce Stevens reflects on a key reason many of our evangelism efforts are ineffective … and the reasons why might surprise you.

(Get the newest issue of Net Results)

In the Parable of the Sower (Matt 13:1–9) Jesus
observed that the ground can be rock hard. Generations of preachers have
concluded that the good news will not […]

Brian McLaren, More Ready than You Realize

McLaren, BrianMore Ready Than You Realize – Evangelism as Dance in the Pos

More Ready Than You Realize – Evangelism as Dance in the Postmodern Matrix

(Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 2002) 188 pages, paperback, $10.99. (Obtain from

Another winner from Brian D. McLaren.  His explanation of Aspiritual friendship,@ known to Modernity as Aevangelism,@ is as clear and […]

Eddie Gibbs, ChurchNext

Gibbs, Eddie ChurchNext, Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry

(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 252 pages, paperback, $14.99. Obtain from InterVarsity Press, P. O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515.

Gibbs traces nine of the major quantum shifts occurring today that he feels churches must address to be effective. Gibbs objectively analyzes the […]