7 Things To Do Outside the Church Office

I teach the Pastoral Leadership Course at the Center for Ministry Training Program at Phillips Seminary. It’s an eight-week online intensive on what it takes to be an effective leader in the church today. One of the things I teach during the course is that a pastor cannot grow the church by staying in […]

Hard Times Are a Leader’s Training School Paradise

In difficult times, churches have a tendency to clap shut their shutters, hide their money under mattresses, and delay anything that might be innovative and new – especially if it costs more than a nickle. Okay, so I exaggerate. A little. But the reality is that when the economy or the political winds turn […]

4 Design Elements to Optimize Your Church Website

Your church may already have a website, but is it doing everything it can to engage your members and boost fundraising? 

A strong church website can help inform your congregation about upcoming events, allow new members to learn more about your church’s identity, and increase fundraising results. In fact, churches that accept tithing online may […]

Working Around the Pareto Leadership Principle

One of the most frequent concerns we hear, when working with congregational transformation, is “We don’t have enough people to do all the ministries.” Interestingly, when we investigate, we’ll hear these same words from both staff and volunteers – as well as from church members who are only marginally involved.

Using the Pareto Principle as […]

Disciplemaking Teachers Ought to be Required

Jason said to me, “Disciplemaking Teachers out to be required.”

I had just conducted the Disciplemaking Teachers seminar at his church. I had done the Double Your Class Seminar in their church sometime back. They had seen some results. I sensed two frustrations:

Many teachers were slow to get on board. They didn’t want to […]

Rise & Fall of the Nones: Culture Shift (Again)

In a recent revelation by Lifeway Research, the narrative surrounding the religiously unaffiliated, or “nones,” in America is undergoing a significant shift. For decades, the steady climb of individuals identifying with no religious affiliation has painted a concerning picture for faith communities across the nation. However, the latest findings suggest this trend may be […]

How to Undermine Church Leadership in One Easy Step

The church had done all the hard work of building a solid foundation. They identified their mission, vision, and values and they developed both membership and leadership covenants. It looked like they were ready to move to the next steps of growth.

Enter the nominating committee.

There were several leadership positions that needed to be filled, but few […]

The Consumer Church Metaphor

Church members don’t generally want to have their church compared to a business, but sometimes they just can’t help themselves and they fall into the metaphor themselves.

The board meeting had a motion on the floor to upgrade the brand of Sunday morning coffee to one that was more appealing to the younger generation that […]

The Five Pillars of Financial Wisdom: Equipping Your Members for Financial Success

Reprinted from Net Results Magazine

Can I be honest with you? The majority of your church members are financially illiterate. That’s a problem, especially when you consider that Jesus talked more about money than any other topic besides the Kingdom of God. In fact, in my opinion, it’s an untenable situation. Church members should be […]