Stop Developing Leaders, Get More Ministry Done, and Grow Your Church

The lack of leadership is one of the top reasons pastors and other church leaders point to for why their church isn’t growing. “We need more leaders to get the job done. Our current leadership is tired and overworked.”

When quizzed about what they’re doing to raise up more leaders, the answers tend to include […]

Servant Evangelism Before Easter

With Easter coming soon there are some unique opportunities that you and your church can do to serve your community while promoting your Easter services.

Invite your congregation to put on community wide yard sale to benefit a local charity or cause. Offer a tax receipt to any donors and even offer to pick […]

Levels of Leadership

Most church leaders don’t think of leadership in terms of levels. We tend to think more of finding volunteers or even servants. Instead I want you to begin thinking of multi levels of leadership and to begin to ask which category your leaders might fall into. I have discovered the following levels. There may […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Six: Why It’s Next to Impossible for Mainline Churches

The issue of church multiplication is either a mystery or an unknown to most mainline pastors and denominational leaders. Most of them are simply trying to survive, so the gap between survival and multiplication is wider than the Grand Canyon.

But what would have to happen to make multiplication possible for mainline churches?

There would […]

Leadership Roles

Confusion frequently abounds regarding the functional role of the official Leadership Team of the congregation. Congregations and leaders themselves seldom seriously consider the diversity of expectations surrounding the roles of church leadership. Think about the different perspectives present within a congregation regarding how leaders, whether that be the elders, council, pastor, session, board, or […]

Why People Resist Change

Bill Easum

Too many Christian leaders working with children these days still think it’s 1980. As a result, the children’s ministry in most churches is one of the most boring experiences in the life of a kid. And if a kid isn’t happy with your Sunday School, the parents seldom return.

So, how do we address […]

Easter Evangelism Outreaches

With Easter coming soon there are some unique opportunities that you and your church can do to serve your community while promoting your Easter services.

Servant Evangelism is a term I learned from Steve Sjogren whose book, “A Conspiracy of Kindness” pointed me in the direction of seasonal missional outreaches. According to Sjogren, “servant evangelism […]

Growing Momentum

How does a church get momentum for transformation? There are four steps to gaining momentum for church transformation.

First, in addition to preaching from the “vision lectionary” (see our EBA resources), encourage lay leaders from your team to share their stories of personal transformation in worship. The more individuals talk about how God is reshaping […]

How Churches Die Spiritually Part 1

How Churches Die Spiritually: Part One

By: Bill Easum

Most established Protestant churches today are spiritually dead. I don’t believe church leaders intentionally set out to cause their church to become spiritually dead. Most church leaders in established churches I’ve worked with believe their actions are meant for just the opposite – to keep their church […]