In the Middle of the Worship Wars

In the Middle of the Worship Wars…
The Quest for Authentic Worship in the Postmodern Era

By Cathy Townley

Worship wars are alive and well. I’m surprised. I thought we had moved beyond them. But lately, I’ve been working with pastors who want help stopping fights between factions because one group thinks the other’s worship is “inauthentic.” […]

Study: It’s Not Teacher, but Method that Matters

Below is an article that should be speaking volumes into every pastor’s heart and mind who is committed to sharing the Gospel in ways that can be heard and make sense. The day of the “sermon” as we know it is dead … or at least should be. -BTB

Published: May 12, 2011

WASHINGTON (AP) – Who’s […]

Green Commuting Prayer

Almost everyone commutes. In Seattle, the “experts” say the average commute is 23.8 minutes, but anyone who works in the city will tell you that a twenty-four minute commute is a luxury that only happens on Sunday morning or sometime after midnight. However, even if you never leave your home to “go to work,” […]

Five Things Every Practicing Church Leader Must Do

Five Things Every Practicing Church Leader Must Do

Church transformation, church planting, and church growth are all built on the same foundation. I suspect most of you reading this have a pretty good idea what that foundation is. If you said “Jesus Christ” you’d be right. Sort of. It’s absolutely true that the church is […]

I Won the Lottery!

I won the United Kingdom National Lottery the other day, at least that’s what the email said, and suddenly realized I don’t have to work anymore. I won ÂŁ891,934 pounds sterling. I can do anything with my life that I want to do. Fishing with Bill Easum in Guatemala, skiing in Aspen, or be […]

Don’t Waste Your First Six Months

There are two ways to approach a new calling to a declining church. (1) Start slowly, build relationships, get the lay of the land, and then slowly effect changes. Ready, Aim, Fire. Or (2) Assess quickly, make changes, and then make adjustments. Ready, Fire, Aim.

The first method is the most common approach in ministry. […]

The Five Bare Minimums of Church Growth

Over the years, I’ve worked with a lot of pastors and congregations who claimed they were ready to grow their churches. I’d love to tell you that virtually all of these congregations flourished, but the truth is, that’s rarely the case. The fact is, most churches fail to grow because they miss out on […]

A Delicate Matter … Senior Staff Expectations

I write this post with a good bit of trepidation. Let’s face it, my livelihood pretty much depends on the goodwill and invitation of solo pastors, senior ministers, and senior staff. However, after having a couple of conversations with a colleague, it became clear that there are some who are in need of an […]

Defusing the Conflict Time-Bombs

One of the little-known facts about me is that once upon a time in the Air Force I was in munitions’ maintenance and transportation – in other words, I played with bombs. I was trained to work with conventional and non-conventional munitions (bombs, bullets, rockets, and missiles) and I had a pretty good understanding […]