Are Your Leaders Interested or Committed?

I was reading some business blogs the other day and came across one in Entrepreneur magazine. The president of Fusion Logistics, Joe Judson, was waxing eloquent on one of the measures of success, interest versus commitment, and it got my mind spinning about some church leaders I’ve worked with.

Many church leaders are interested in […]


The world I grew up in taught there is one way to do everything and one size fits all. That’s the heart of the industrial world of modernity. However, just the opposite is true today. You know that if you own most any kind of software or cell phone. Almost everything today is undergoing decentralization. […]

If I Were a Minister of Education

New trends and technologies have me itching to try some new things.
It has been a while since I worked for a local church, and a lot has changed since then. I can think of at least three developments that would greatly change the way I would go about the work today.

Database sophistication. We were just […]

Examples of Mission Statements

Loving Your Church to Death … Or to Growth

At my age I have a good bit of experience with love. I’ve been married a good long while, I have five children, and I have seven grandchildren … so far. And so I can say with a certainty that you can love your church to growth, and you can love your church to […]

Preaching Without Notes

Forum conversation

I have been preaching without a podium, pulpit, or manuscript for a year now. I essentially learn the flow of the message I have manuscripted earlier in the week, put a few post it notes in my Bible, depend occasionally on power point to jog my memory, and trust that something good will […]

A Christmas Eve Church Fantasy… or Not

Several years ago, I wrote the following Christmas Eve fantasy account. It was a compilation of some of the Christmas Eve hospitality practices that I’ve experienced in churches I’ve led as well as some things that I’ve seen in other churches. Since it was published, I’ve heard of several churches who have taken on […]

Why Your Church Can’t Afford Mass Media Advertising

Over the past couple of years, we’ve been telling church leaders that getting into the mass media advertising game is, by and large, a colossal waste of money – unless your church can afford to spend upwards of $25,000 per campaign (per event you are advertising).  Some of the reasons for this are pretty obvious, […]

10 Things You Can Do to Grow Your Church Today

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