4 Design Elements to Optimize Your Church Website

Your church may already have a website, but is it doing everything it can to engage your members and boost fundraising? 

A strong church website can help inform your congregation about upcoming events, allow new members to learn more about your church’s identity, and increase fundraising results. In fact, churches that accept tithing online may […]

The Power of Choice

I just finished reading a book synopsis on a flight to the deep South. Sheena Ivengar’s Art of Choosing provided me some grist to grind as I secret-shopped a mid-sized church in Texas (with an average worship attendance of around 300). Although this church hosted both traditional and contemporary worship services, I noticed in both […]

Podcast: Four Reasons Some Churches See First-Time Visitors Almost Every Week

By Bill Tenny-Brittian
Five-minute podcast


Right-click and save to download

Online Church Fundraising: 5 Best Practices To Follow

Churches like yours depend on donations from congregation members to not only make their operations possible but also grow the church and its impact on the community. Seeing as 63 percent of donors prefer to give online, your church should focus its fundraising efforts there.

But in an increasingly digital world, there are many players—from […]

Looking for Answers in an Ask-Assertive World


Looking for Answers in an Ask-Assertive World

Convergence 2004 : Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Spencer Burke

Show and tell isn’t big in the emerging church. Do you know why? Because sometimes, the question is more important than the answer. In fact, sometimes, the question is the answer. Allow me to explain.

People tend to be assertive […]

An Interview with Frank Viola

I had a chance to chat with Frank Viola recently.  You may recall, Frank has published some very controversial books lately.  Then along came Jesus Manifesto coauthored with Len Sweet, a long time friend.   When I asked Frank if he would talk with me about the book, he was gracious to talk to me.  Here […]

The Four Secrets to Team-Based Ministry

By Dave Ferguson of Community Christian Church

There are some things you would never say out loud; even though you know they are true. The reason you don’t say them out loud is (despite the fact they are true) they just don’t sound right. If you uttered these secrets people will probably misunderstand you. In […]

Team Based Ministry


By Dave Ferguson of Community Christian Church

There are some things you would never say out loud; even though you know they are true. The reason you don’t say them out loud is (despite the fact they are true) they just don’t sound right. If you uttered these secrets […]

Start a New Message Series on Easter

For most churches, Easter is the best-attended Sunday of the year and many of those in attendance will be those who only attend on Christmas and Easter. Each year at this time I would ask myself what kind of series should I begin on Easter Sunday that would hopefully make everyone present make spiritual […]