3 Gifts for Growth this Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is fast approaching. Historically, your worship service/s on that holy night will have the highest number of visitors who have limited or no church experience. Indeed, the Nones are more likely to attend your Christmas Eve service than any other service of the year.

If your church is like the typical North American church, […]

Maximizing Your Church’s ROI (Return on Investment)

Unless you’re a church leader in a very large church, you’re probably aware that your congregation has limited resources (and in today’s economy, even large churches are struggling with decreasing resources). During those times when resources are exceptionally limited, it’s more important than ever to be very careful where you invest them.

Every investor wants […]

Hospitality Begins with Signage

Think about times you’ve been embarrassed.  What was the context?  How did you feel?

It wasn’t good, was it?  Being embarrassed is a terrible feeling.  When I’m embarrassed, I’m tempted to turn around and run.  And that’s what I see from you too!

I hang out at a coffeehouse where there’s great service and lively conversation.  […]


The nursery is one of the most important rooms in the church and should reflect the type of homes the parents have made for their children (or in some cases should be much better than). It should be on the same level as the worship area and should be located close to it. It […]

Never Call It a Welcome Center

Too many churches don’t have an information center – and the ones that do seem to tuck it away against the back wall in some out-of-the-way corner. A well run information center is worth its weight in gold.

That being said, don’t make these information center faux pas:

Instead of “Information Center,” it’s labeled “Visitors” or “Welcome” […]

Why House Church?

I guess after a couple of decades as a church professional it shouldn’t bother me, but it does. It’s become one of my personal pet peeves and it always blows me away how my colleagues manage to let their language betray them.

Church isn’t a building.
Church isn’t a meeting.
Church isn’t a decision-making body.
Church isn’t a […]

Back To School

What is your favorite time of year? I’m not necessarily talking about climate like Spring or Summer but rather activities that are going on. As a pastor, certainly Christmas and Easter were always at the top of my list because of their significance as the birth, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. […]

The Spiritual Leadership of the Board

Most churches underestimate the importance of the board members as “spiritual leaders”. Board members are often elected or appointed because of specific skills (teaching, finance, property management, etc.). However, as management responsibilities are delegated to a trusted, gifted few, it becomes more important that the board members be models for the spiritual life. They need to […]

Breaking the 300 Barrier

by Bill Easum

The issues below are the most commonly abused issues in churches with less than 300 in worship.

1. Clarity of purpose or mission. Churches need a mission, vision and value statement. The mission of most small churches is to survive. Most small churches either try to do too much or do not try […]