Dispelling the Three Big Small Group Myths

Over the years I’ve noticed three huge myths about small groups. These three myths are so pervasive and powerful that they have caused churches to avoid initiating small group systems. And when a church fails in its attempt at developing small groups that multiply, most likely the culprit is one of these three myths. […]

Six Questions for Outreach in Smaller Towns

I was recently in the New England area of the U.S. I have been pondering lately the unique aspects of doing ministry in smaller population areas like that. There are many aspects of doing outreach that are universal – as we step out to serve others we are going to find that people are […]

Six Systems of Lay Mobilization

The following is an excerpt from our workbook Disciple Making Leaders.  To purchase the entire workbook go to http://easumbandy.com/store/shop/EBA_store.html?state=search&cartid=3b5d034dc125c75ace188e2e8df7dc0d

I.  The Steps in making disciples or mobilizing a congregation.  This is the primary measure of how much value a paid staff person adds to the mission of the church.

A.      Identify those who appear ready for discipleship.

1. One […]

Build a Christmas Eve Your Neighbors Won’t Forget

As the leaves turn and the air grows crisp, our thoughts inevitably drift towards the festive season. Christmas, a time of joy, reflection, and community, holds a unique place in our hearts and calendars. For churches, this season presents a golden opportunity to connect with the community, both the faithful and those on the […]

The Nines

September 9, Leadership Network is hosting an unusual event (don’t they always). It is several hours of video featuring some of the church’s greatest communicators to share in less than nine minutes the one thing they would like everyone to know. A list of the speakers in below.

You have to register for this event. […]

Worship in Postmodern World

Worship in a Postmodern Culture

Alan Roxburgh compares the lingering Christendom mindset among relevance-challenged clergy to a pleasure ride on the river Seine.  Picture, if you will, an ecclesiastical barge filled with graying church leaders, who, – between discussions about historical criticism, incomprehensible invocations, and hopelessly obtuse prayers – nod approvingly as the edifices of Christendom’s […]

An Example of Communion Instructions

Click Image to Play Video
This is one of the best guest-friendly introductions to communion I’ve seen. Notice that Pastor Ted tells the congregation virtually every detail of how to receive communion.

It’s also a good example of a lightened version of the Lutheran Liturgy for the Eucharist.

Exceptional Practices of Note:

Virtually nothing is left to chance […]

How Churches Die Spiritually Part 1

How Churches Die Spiritually: Part One

By: Bill Easum

Most established Protestant churches today are spiritually dead. I don’t believe church leaders intentionally set out to cause their church to become spiritually dead. Most church leaders in established churches I’ve worked with believe their actions are meant for just the opposite – to keep their church […]

When God Moves Into the Neighborhood

Imagine. A church of small groups that meet in homes, based on geography rather than affinity, whose purpose is to not only share life together around the Scriptures but also to transform the neighborhood or section of the city from which the small group is gathered by living out what it means to be […]