Role of Lay Leadership

The Key to Understanding Today’s World and the Role of the Church

 Two metaphors will guide us – The National Park and The Jungle.  Everyone born before 1980 was born in the National Park world.  Everyone born after that was born into The Jungle.  Here are the differences:

The National Park

•        Is neatly laid out

•        Predictable […]

Stop Sharing Your Church Newsletter with Visitors – and Other Follow-Up Gaffes

I had a rare Sunday off a couple weeks ago and decided to drop by a local church that I’d never visited. I’d discovered the church on my annual Christmas Light Tour (where I drive aimlessly through random neighborhoods looking for great light displays) and I discovered this church tucked deep inside a neighborhood I’d never […]

Flip Your Church Step 4: Become Missionary to the Community

(Deu 10:19)  You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
I heard a great sermon the other day that spoke about our strangeness. God reminds the Hebrews that they’re to love the stranger because they were once strangers.

As members of the church, we often forget who the “strangers” […]

Turn Water into Wine … or at Least Turn Your To-Do Lists into Done

You’ve got the vision. You’ve got the mission-critical goals. Now, what you need is the time management strategy to make it all happen. In a world where pastors are expected to be spiritual leaders, counselors, and administrators, time is your most valuable asset. Let’s talk about how to prioritize it effectively.

The ABCDE of Time […]

Job Placement for Youth Pastors

Anatomy of a Movement

History has not been overly kind to most movements. Just reflect on what has happened to the Civil Rights movement after the death of Martin Luther King. It lost most of its momentum. Movements need a strong, charismatic leader.  When the leader dies, most movements wane.  For these movements to have a lasting impact, it […]

Is it Really a New Revolution

Bill Easum

Since there has been so much hype and conversation about George Barna’s new book “Revolution” (Zondervan), I thought I would share some observations on his work. And since George and I are friends, I will try to be as tame as my conscience will allow.  Having said that – here goes.

Barna’s major premise […]


Let me inject a word of caution taking this whole issue to seriously. It is one thing to go to great lengths to make the nursery secure from non-custodial parents kidnapping their own kids or a pedophile molesting a child. it is another thing for churches to put bars on the windows and doors […]

Embrace Entertainment

A recent comment about a local big box church (that’s successfully reaching, baptizing, and discipling young adults):

“They’ve given in to entertainment evangelism.”

… as if entertainment was a four-letter, distasteful, disgusting word.

If you’re going to reach young adults I’ve got three words for you:


Jesus specialized in entertainment evangelism. He told stories, AKA parables. He captured […]