The Spiritual Leadership of the Board

For the week of March 28, 2005

The Spiritual Leadership of the Board

By: Tom Bandy

Most churches underestimate the importance of the board members as “spiritual leaders”. Board members are often elected or appointed because of specific skills (teaching, finance, property management, etc.). However, as management responsibilities are delegated to a trusted, gifted few, it becomes […]

The Spiritual Leadership of the Board

Most churches underestimate the importance of the board members as “spiritual leaders”. Board members are often elected or appointed because of specific skills (teaching, finance, property management, etc.). However, as management responsibilities are delegated to a trusted, gifted few, it becomes more important that the board members be models for the spiritual life. They need to […]

In the Middle of the Worship Wars

In the Middle of the Worship Wars…
The Quest for Authentic Worship in the Postmodern Era

By Cathy Townley

Worship wars are alive and well. I’m surprised. I thought we had moved beyond them. But lately, I’ve been working with pastors who want help stopping fights between factions because one group thinks the other’s worship is “inauthentic.” […]

Local Churches with High Capacity Church Multiplication Centers

By Linda Stanley

Recently, Leadership Network sponsored a briefing at Central Christian Church in Henderson, Nevada that included presentations from local churches that have high capacity church multiplication centers. These churches are participants in a five-year pilot project that was designed as a strategic partnership between each of them and Leadership Network. The project began […]

The Scope of Our Ministry

One of the crucial issues facing many North American church leaders today is to
understand the scope and focus of mission. When thinking about mission, too many church leaders still think in terms of some Christian activity that takes place either across town, or in another state, or overseas. The totality of mission activity for […]

Is Your Vision Visionary?

Without vision, the people perish.
Granted, that’s a bad translation of Proverbs 29:18, but the proverb itself is spot on. The problem is that most church visions teeter on a balance between insipid and impotent. Which is one of the reasons why so many congregations are going through the motions of “doing church” instead of […]

Is Your Vision Visionary?

Without vision, the people perish.
Granted, that’s a bad translation of Proverbs 29:18, but the proverb itself is spot on. The problem is that most church visions teeter on a balance between insipid and impotent. Which is one of the reasons why so many congregations are going through the motions of “doing church” instead of […]

Developing a Missional Mindset

As Bill Easum has already pointed out, there has been a lot of confusion around the whole Missional, Emergent, Emerging conversation. Most church leaders I speak with couldn’t cogently define the difference with anything like clarity. They’ve read one book and came away with that author’s perspective and for those brave souls, they’ve read […]

From the Latest Net Results: Is Evangelism Dead?

Dr. Bruce Stevens reflects on a key reason many of our evangelism efforts are ineffective … and the reasons why might surprise you.

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In the Parable of the Sower (Matt 13:1–9) Jesus
observed that the ground can be rock hard. Generations of preachers have
concluded that the good news will not […]