Missionary Training Centers

For the week of August 01, 2005

Missionary Training Centers

By: Tom Bandy

Train your board, elders, or lay leaders with a different attitude this year. The church is not in the business of multiplying members, but of training missionaries. Worship is a reunion of missionaries for thanksgiving, upgraded training, and encouragement. The parking lot and the […]

Thank You

Thanks so much for your help. To show our appreciation, download the latest issue of Net Results magazine, the “More Than Marketing” issue, as our gift to you. That’s over…

Inbox or Mailbox? Choosing Between Online & Offline Channels

To be a successful pastor or church leader, you have to be able to understand the needs of your community and personally connect with your congregation. You do this by communicating frequently and listening to what community members have to say—both at church and after they step outside of it.

But when you want to […]

Ministry in an Emerging Culture

The following is from one of our online coaching seminars in 2002.

Ministry in an Emerging Culture
Brian McLaren

I’m looking forward to this chance to interact with you through the EBA Community.

As for background reading, it makes the most sense to assume that any of my books would be good background:
• The Church on the Other […]

The Horrible Irony – Freedom Equals Complacency

I sat watching my recorded session of “Meet The Press”. I had a tear in my eye. 20 years ago, the Berlin Wall came down and freedom was returned to East Germany. It was a great sight to watch again how the people from both sides of the Wall celebrated its destruction. Hammers, picks, […]

The 3 Pillars of a Strong Church Vision

Want a vision that sticks? You need these three pillars!

You walk into a church and what do you see? Stained glass windows, perhaps. A pulpit, most likely. But what about the invisible architecture? The stuff you can’t see but can definitely feel. I’m talking about the vision of the church. And let’s face it, […]

Use as Directed

“Use as directed” – Three little words found on the label of the bottle containing your doctor’s prescription.  If we are wise, we will use the contents of that container “as directed.”  Why wouldn’t you do the same with the contents of your church growth consultant’s directive?  Especially when your consultant carries the credibility and […]

Five Marks of an Effective Congregation

I got an email from a faithful blog reader last week who mentioned I did a good job pointing out the shortcomings of the church, but that there wasn’t much there in terms of what a healthy, functional, faithful, effective congregation looks like. The fact is, it’s a lot easier to find fault with […]

Why Seniors Should “Do Church”

This post comes to us through guest-blogger Jason Lewis. Although much of our energy is focused on reaching younger adults and families, according to the Census Bureau, there are more than 40-million USAmericans over sixty-five years old … and less than 12-million are active in a church. And so, we thought we’d share this […]