How to Get to Know Unchurched People

Over the years, I’ve noticed there’s some significant confusion about the Great Commission. For several centuries, the church has interpreted it as “Go ye into all the world,” which of course is a translation for the more appropriate term ethnic groups (lit. ethnos). In today’s language, we would accurately say, “Go and make disciples of […]

The Long Game

One of the most frustrating realities about a turnaround is that it takes more time to get ready for a successful turnaround than it does to grow a church. 

Let me explain.

There are Several Ways to Grow a Church

Give me a big enough budget and I can fill your church I don’t care how many […]

How to Get Standing Room Only Crowd for Training

I was asking a DOM recently about doing a conference in his Association. His response was, “No one comes to training anymore.”

The email came at an odd time for me. I had just returned from my third trip to Shiloh Terrace Baptist in Dallas were we had to bring extra chairs in twice to […]

The Harvest is Waiting

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Jesus directly asked us to pray that more leaders would be sent out into their networks to reap a spiritual harvest.  Yet, I find most pastors seldom pray for leaders to go into the […]

But SOMEBODY’s Got to Do It!

Church Work is never ending. There’s always something that needs to get done.

The worship slides need to be updated

The trash needs to be emptied

The newsletter needs to be edited

The plumber needs to be called

The copier needs to be replaced (or updated or unjammed …)

In recent weeks, one pastor or another has given me […]

Looking for the Living Among the Dead

The second church I pastored was a small church of about two hundred in worship in the Rio Grande Valley. The week before my first Easter the Chairperson of the Board came to my office to ask me what turned out to be a very important question (not all of his questions were worth […]

The Burden of the Suburban Church

My last twenty-four years of local church ministry were spent in an up-and-coming suburban church. Like most suburbanites, many of my flock were into getting ahead, building fences around their homes, chauffeuring their children to this-and-that, and distancing themselves from the rift-raft of the world. .  Most of the members were content with living […]

Empowered Passions

. . . in a New Language

A new language emerges out of the ashes of modernism. It is decidedly the language of metaphor, and it will definitely ride a wave of emotion.

This new language will involve all forms of communication in a sensory, emotional multimedia more real than reality itself. Like all arts, rituals, […]

Apostolic Movements: Contemporary Apostle

Contemporary Apostle by Todd Hunter
Thousands of Acts of Being Sent
Something gets lost when that which was meant to be familiar and recognizable among a people is made exceptional and mysterious. It is even worse when such a gift is thought to have hero status or celebrity attached to it. The situation can get down […]