Jesus is the Way?

By Bill Easum


One thing has become crystal clear over the twenty some years I have been consulting and coaching church leaders – the vast majority of growing churches in the U.S. range from conservative to ultra-conservative.  And for them, Jesus is the only way to salvation. The more a leader vacillates on this belief, the […]

But SOMEBODY’s Got to Do It!

Church Work is never ending. There’s always something that needs to get done.

The worship slides need to be updated

The trash needs to be emptied

The newsletter needs to be edited

The plumber needs to be called

The copier needs to be replaced (or updated or unjammed …)

In recent weeks, one pastor or another has given me […]

Hard Times Are a Leader’s Training School Paradise

In difficult times, churches have a tendency to clap shut their shutters, hide their money under mattresses, and delay anything that might be innovative and new – especially if it costs more than a nickle. Okay, so I exaggerate. A little. But the reality is that when the economy or the political winds turn […]

The Heresy of Harmony at Any Cost

In today’s fast-paced world, churches face a myriad of challenges, from dwindling attendance to the struggle of keeping up with technological advancements. However, one of the most insidious obstacles to church growth and harmony often comes from within: the presence of bullies and their minions and enablers within the church board. These characters, each […]

The Computer Science of Church Growth: Time Management Lessons for Pastors

Time management is a challenge that every pastor faces, especially when you’re leading a growing church. The good news? Computer science has some fascinating insights that can help you manage your time more effectively. Brian Christian did a TED Talk some time ago that offers some different – even some counterintuitive – tools to […]

Discerning and Developing Core Values

Over the years, there has been a good bit of conversation amongst church leaders, consultants, and coaches about congregational values – as in, every church needs to identify their core values. All that’s fine and good, but far too often I’ve come upon churches that spout their values as if they’re water springing from […]

Ministry in an Emerging Culture

The following is from one of our online coaching seminars in 2002.

Ministry in an Emerging Culture
Brian McLaren

I’m looking forward to this chance to interact with you through the EBA Community.

As for background reading, it makes the most sense to assume that any of my books would be good background:
• The Church on the Other […]

Building the Disciple-Driven Church


It seems that in most churches today, the leaders are drowning in tasks and responsibilities. This gets in the way of building a Disciple-Driven Church. For instance, The stewardship chair is preoccupied with budgets, the board chair is overwhelmed with meetings and agendas, and Sunday school teachers are fixated on their next lesson plan. […]

Is it Time to Drop the Requirement: Part Two

My post, titled “Is It Time To Drop The Requirement,” resulted in several responses, which prompted me to do a little more digging into the subject of ordination. And after extensive reading on the subject I conclude there is absolutely no mention of ordination in the New Testament. By the second part of the […]