4 Ways to Foster a Culture of Giving In Women’s Ministry

No matter the size, your women’s ministry is a community of sisters in Christ who gather to learn and worship. Whether you aim to instill leadership qualities into your church’s youth or equip believers to minister to others, the culture of your ministry’s community dictates how you’ll put your faith into practice.

The Christian church […]

Dispelling the Three Big Small Group Myths

Over the years I’ve noticed three huge myths about small groups. These three myths are so pervasive and powerful that they have caused churches to avoid initiating small group systems. And when a church fails in its attempt at developing small groups that multiply, most likely the culprit is one of these three myths. […]

Three Things Make Small Groups Effective Today

There is so much misunderstanding about small groups.  Some think they are the way to grow the church – but usually they aren’t. Instead they help retain and grow people. Some think they are basically bible studies – but they aren’t.

So what are the three things that make small groups effective today?

They are […]

Most Small Groups Are a Waste of Time

Most small groups I see in churches are a waste of time because most of them are little more than data dumps. They are Bible studies that go nowhere other than gaining more knowledge of the Bible and in some cases fellowship. And those aren’t enough.

I’m convinced that in the  world we live in […]

Disciple has Too Much Baggage to Be Effective

I’m constantly asked, “What’s the best curriculum for leadership development or discipleship?” as if either one is something that can be taught and learned in a course. My response is always the same – “You are the curriculum.”

I often get a blank stare because in the West we think of everything as if it […]

Planning Holiday Outreaches

There are several times during the calendar year when Jesus followers have a unique opportunity to connect the dots between God’s heart and the hearts of the multitudes of hurting people in our community. The Christmas season is perhaps the greatest of those times. In a way, we almost have an unfair advantage, because […]

Enlarge My Territory

I have a plaque on a wall in my office that I look at often for inspiration. On it there are two verses that can be easily missed from one of the least-read books of the Bible, 1 Chronicles.

“Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez,saying, “I gave birth […]

3 Effective Church Fundraisers for Children & Youth Groups

...of merchandise they want. Then, take it further by allowing them to design the products. For example, you could host a t-shirt design contest where the kids design t-shirt ideas...

You Can’t Lead Where You’re Not Going

I hear about it all too often. Some pastor shares his/her frustration because they can’t rally the congregation to get serious about evangelism. Or follow-up.  Or missions within the community. The list goes on and on. But when I ask the all important question, “So, when was the last time you personally introduced someone […]