Christmas Suggestions

The Christmas season is just around the corner and it’s one of the best times of the year to reach unchurched people. I even think Christmas Eve is more important than Easter when it comes to reaching unchurched people.  People attend worship on Easter because it’s the thing to do- or it used to be. […]

Flip Your Church Step 4: Become Missionary to the Community

(Deu 10:19)  You shall also love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt.
I heard a great sermon the other day that spoke about our strangeness. God reminds the Hebrews that they’re to love the stranger because they were once strangers.

As members of the church, we often forget who the “strangers” […]

Developing a Transformational Small Group Bible Study

Let me start out by being totally clear. A Bible study in and of itself is not a life transforming activity. The church is filled with spiritually immature members who are the products of many years of “Bible studies,” Sunday school classes, and discussion groups. Most Bible studies are data dumps of information that fills […]

The Secret to the Future of Western Christianity

We all know Western Christianity is in deep trouble. I won’t dwell on that. Instead, I want to share the secret to our future.  It’s simple.  The secret to our future lies in our ability to unlearn and rethink the possibilities.

The primary unlearning is that people no longer automatically come to church or think […]

A New Scorecard for Churches in Any Age

Scorecards are valuable in any game because they tell you whether or not you’re winning. If it is important to know if you’re winning in a game, how much more important is it to know if you are “winning” as a church? It eternally matters!

I’m one of those people who believes that if you […]

Behaviors, Treating Unhealthy Behaviors

There are all kinds of understandings about the attacks by members — especially those who proclaim themselves to be spiritually advanced, actively involved, long-term members, big givers, etc., etc.– that I know rationally before and after personal attacks.  Here are 12 of them.

1. Such persons have been treating most if not all the pastors/clergy this way for years […]

Virtual Discipleship: Part 01

“So, what about online discipleship? How do you make that work?”

A quick perusal of churches on the internet reveals that the US church is all over the map in terms of virtual discipleship offerings. Many churches have virtually nothing at all (pun intended!). Some have opted to turn their Bible Studies and Sunday School […]

The Leadership Code

This is an excerpt from our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth.

One of the serious shortcomings of most centers of higher learning is that they educate the head but fail to train the student. The difference between teaching and training is this: effective teaching focuses on passing information from teacher to student (some call […]

Convergence of Spirit and Technology

Bill Easum

Throughout recorded history, the expansion of the Kingdom of God has mostly been in direct proportion to the convergence of the Spirit and technology. Three such convergences have occurred in recent recorded history: the Roman Empire, the printing press, and the World Wide Web. During the first two convergences, established religions—first Judaism and […]