Kevin Kelly, New Rules for the New Economy

Kelly, KevinNew Rules for the New Economy: 10 Radical Strategies for a C

New Rules for the New Economy: 10 Radical Strategies for a Connected World

(New York, NY: Viking, 1998), 172 pages, hardcover, $19.95. Obtain from Viking, Penguin Putnam, Inc., 375 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014.

New Rules for The New Economy was just added […]

Creating Missional Communities

IntroductionHi! Welcome to Our Seminar- Creating Missional Communities: Implications of Re-Hearing the Church’s Story. I am your host, Todd Hunter. Thank you for participating, and thanks also to Easum, Bandy & Associates for linking us together for this online coaching seminar. I look forward to our conversation and pray that the Holy Spirit will […]

Stop Sharing Your Church Newsletter with Visitors – and Other Follow-Up Gaffes

I had a rare Sunday off a couple weeks ago and decided to drop by a local church that I’d never visited. I’d discovered the church on my annual Christmas Light Tour (where I drive aimlessly through random neighborhoods looking for great light displays) and I discovered this church tucked deep inside a neighborhood I’d never […]

What’s All This About Seekers

We hear a lot of conversation today about whether or not to have a “seeker” form of worship. Some say worship should be “seeker sensitive” while others talk about “seeker driven.” Some congregations have both “seeker services” and “believer services,” most notably the renowned Willow Creek Community Church. A hard example to take exception […]

The First Memorial Day

Memorial Day is when we honor the men and women of our Armed Services who have made the supreme sacrifice giving their lives for their country.

Today I am reminded of the film “Saving Private Ryan” in which James Ryan, now in his seventies, has returned with his family to a military cemetery in Normandy […]

Brian McLaren, More Ready than You Realize

McLaren, BrianMore Ready Than You Realize – Evangelism as Dance in the Pos

More Ready Than You Realize – Evangelism as Dance in the Postmodern Matrix

(Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 2002) 188 pages, paperback, $10.99. (Obtain from

Another winner from Brian D. McLaren.  His explanation of Aspiritual friendship,@ known to Modernity as Aevangelism,@ is as clear and […]

Eddie Gibbs, ChurchNext

Gibbs, Eddie ChurchNext, Quantum Changes in How We Do Ministry

(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000), 252 pages, paperback, $14.99. Obtain from InterVarsity Press, P. O. Box 1400, Downers Grove, IL 60515.

Gibbs traces nine of the major quantum shifts occurring today that he feels churches must address to be effective. Gibbs objectively analyzes the […]

What I am Learning About Permission Giving Churches Part One

 Bill Easum

What Churches are Teaching Me
About Permission-Giving Churches
Part One

Two years ago when I began writing Sacred Cows Make Gourmet Burgers, I had no idea it would hit such a nerve with church leaders. I felt it would make an important contribution to developing thriving churches, but I never dreamed it would become one of […]

Apostolic Movements: Contemporary Apostle

Contemporary Apostle by Todd Hunter
Thousands of Acts of Being Sent
Something gets lost when that which was meant to be familiar and recognizable among a people is made exceptional and mysterious. It is even worse when such a gift is thought to have hero status or celebrity attached to it. The situation can get down […]