Why Don’t People Attend Small Groups?

From our Advanced list serve (2006)   To join click here

In the past while serving more conventional churches, I’ve also experienced the difficulty of getting small groups up and running.  I was pondering, as I read your email, as to why it is so difficult to get them started.  Here are a couple of thoughts I have, […]

Time to Organize Your Church – Once And For All!

In the ever-evolving landscape of church leadership and management, one of the most pressing challenges faced by pastors and church leaders is navigating the complexities of organizing the church. At the heart of this challenge lies a critical question: How can a church’s structure facilitate effective decision-making, foster growth, and align with its mission […]

Getting the Most Out of Your Property

I believe the 21st century will be more like the first century than the 20th. If this is so, then mainstream Christianity’s understanding of property will undergo profound change. What property was to the 20th century, relationships and community will be to the 21st century. That spells trouble for most of the traditional ways of […]

Are We Doing What We’re Saying

Established churches in North America, once giants of innovation and passion, are now on the brink of irrelevance and boredom. In the span of thirty years a large number of established churches in North America have gone from riches to rags. Systems theorists tell us that in times of great change, such as today, […]

Equations for the Emerging World

I have said many times that our world is in between rules. What used to be normative is now passé. What used to work now seldom does. Leaders who lead like they did ten years ago are finding their efforts to be ineffective. The old equations for ministry simply do not work anymore.

However, a […]

8 Habits of a Life-Changing Small Group Leader

Here is a post from Church Leaders that is worth reading.

Make time with God a daily priority. “Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” Mark 1:35 NIV
Follow the best example and […]

Mission Successes Requires Effective Invitation

You Are Formally Invited

Imagine. The day you’ve dreamt of since your daughter’s birth is finally here. It’s her wedding day! You have spent months preparing, taking your “Father/Mother of the Bride” role to superhero proportions. Now, the church is decorated and the caterer is setting up a gourmet feast in the reception hall. You’ve […]

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

By: Bill Easum

My hearts aches.

Too many new church plants either don’t make it past eighteen months or remain so small they can barely survive, much less thrive. Why do so many church plants not reach their potential?

It certainly isn’t because they don’t try or don’t care. Church planters […]

Six Questions for Outreach in Smaller Towns

I was recently in the New England area of the U.S. I have been pondering lately the unique aspects of doing ministry in smaller population areas like that. There are many aspects of doing outreach that are universal – as we step out to serve others we are going to find that people are […]