Looking for the Living Among the Dead

The second church I pastored was a small church of about two hundred in worship in the Rio Grande Valley. The week before my first Easter the Chairperson of the Board came to my office to ask me what turned out to be a very important question (not all of his questions were worth […]

Why Today’s Churches Fail at Leadership Selection

Imagine stepping into a time machine and landing in the middle of one of the early church’s most pressing conflicts—a food pantry crisis that’s causing a rift within the congregation. This isn’t just any disagreement; it’s a pivotal moment that challenges the very fabric of church leadership and decision-making. This week, I want us […]

The ABC Holiday Checklist

Christmas has begun. Oh, Advent is still a month away, but every big box store has rolled out the holiday decorations and even mom and pop stores are getting into the act little by little. We don’t have to like it, but as the church we’d better stop digging our heels in against it. […]

Small Groups are Replacing Adult Sunday School

In my book Dancing with Dinosaurs (1993) I had a chapter in which I said adult Sunday School  was coming to an end and was being replaced by small groups that meet in homes. You should have heard the negative letters I received.  One person called me a heretic. Another called me stupid.  I […]

Six Steps to an Effective Easter Follow Up

Easter is probably still your church’s most attended service. Here are six steps to effectively follow up with Easter guests.

*Acknowledge your guest’s presence. Be sure to take time during the service to publicly acknowledge your guests in the service. Do not point them out personally, but let them know that you appreciate their presence. […]

How to Start Conversations – Even If You Live in New York

When I’m coaching or consulting and make the recommendation that pastors need to spend significant time hanging out wherever it is their targets are hanging out, it tends to raise a host of questions. Where should I hang out? When? What do I need to stop doing so that I have time?

All those are […]

Connecting With the Digital Generation in Worship

The pastor had committed a faux pas… that much was clear. The Board met immediately following the service and after a few brief minutes they made their pronouncement.

“The pastor may no longer refer to Twitter or texting during worship.”

True story. And unless something seriously changes in that church I can draw the timeline to […]

Resources for Youth

Search Institute, 700 South Third St., Minneapolis, MN 55415. Phone (800)888-7828. Write for their catalog. Their quarterly newsletter is called SOURCE and is worth ordering.
Search Institute. Phone (800)888-7828.
“The Troubled Journey: Full Report,” Peter L. Benson, Search Institute. Surveys 47,000 6th – 12th graders and suggests strategies for those working with youth.
, Shelby Andress, Search […]

Retreating Spiritually

I talked with a pastor who was struggling with personal problems that were affecting his pastoral work.  In spite of his problems, God blessed the church’s cell ministry, and it grew slowly and steadily. But I noticed that the underlying personal struggles were taking a toll on his ministry. “I’d be willing to leave the pastorate, […]