Why House Church?

I guess after a couple of decades as a church professional it shouldn’t bother me, but it does. It’s become one of my personal pet peeves and it always blows me away how my colleagues manage to let their language betray them.

Church isn’t a building.
Church isn’t a meeting.
Church isn’t a decision-making body.
Church isn’t a […]

3 Tips to Engage Your Congregation in Ministry Fundraisers

When inspired, your congregation can accomplish impressive fundraising goals. However, passing the collection plate may not be enough to collect the funding that keeps your church programs and outreach running. In fact, recent research indicates that only 5 percent of Americans tithe. 

So how can your church encourage a culture of generous giving? In this […]


Lemmings are those darling rodents that live in the Arctic Circle and look a bit like a hamster but have a strange suicidal habit. These little guys have a built-in sense of when their numbers are too numerous for their own good. When there are too many of them in a herd and their […]

3 Gifts for Growth this Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is fast approaching. Historically, your worship service/s on that holy night will have the highest number of visitors who have limited or no church experience. Indeed, the Nones are more likely to attend your Christmas Eve service than any other service of the year.

If your church is like the typical North American church, […]

Starting Small Groups

For the week of July 18, 2005

Starting Small Groups

By: Bill Tenny-Brittian

While serving conventional churches, many have experienced difficulty in getting small groups up and running. It might make you wonder what makes it so difficult to get them started. Here are a couple of thoughts, as well as a few suggestions, for getting them […]

The Long Game

One of the most frustrating realities about a turnaround is that it takes more time to get ready for a successful turnaround than it does to grow a church. 

Let me explain.

There are Several Ways to Grow a Church

Give me a big enough budget and I can fill your church I don’t care how many […]

4 Design Elements to Optimize Your Church Website

Your church may already have a website, but is it doing everything it can to engage your members and boost fundraising? 

A strong church website can help inform your congregation about upcoming events, allow new members to learn more about your church’s identity, and increase fundraising results. In fact, churches that accept tithing online may […]

Are Your Leaders Interested or Committed?

I was reading some business blogs the other day and came across one in Entrepreneur magazine. The president of Fusion Logistics, Joe Judson, was waxing eloquent on one of the measures of success, interest versus commitment, and it got my mind spinning about some church leaders I’ve worked with.

Many church leaders are interested in […]

If I Were a Minister of Education

New trends and technologies have me itching to try some new things.
It has been a while since I worked for a local church, and a lot has changed since then. I can think of at least three developments that would greatly change the way I would go about the work today.

Database sophistication. We were just […]