Kick Start Growth

The majority of churches in North America have been experiencing over a decade of decline or plateau. Often, common sense prevails and church leaders will endeavor to put church growth plans into place that will grow their church on a slow, and yet consistent, basis. The fact is, though, churches rarely grow slowly and […]

Suggestions for Christmas

Bill Easum

The Christmas season is just around the corner and it’s one of the best times of the year to reach unchurched people. I even think Christmas Eve is more important than Easter when it comes to reaching unchurched people.  People attend worship on Easter because it’s the thing to do- or it used […]

The Horrible Irony – Freedom Equals Complacency

I sat watching my recorded session of “Meet The Press”. I had a tear in my eye. 20 years ago, the Berlin Wall came down and freedom was returned to East Germany. It was a great sight to watch again how the people from both sides of the Wall celebrated its destruction. Hammers, picks, […]

The Demise of Robert’s Rules of Order

Hi Bill,
I’ve heard you say that Robert’s Rules are dead.  What are some of the factors that has led to its demise?
Making disciples,

From Bill Easum
Roberts Rules were designed for people who don’t trust one another or who can’t relate to one another in an orderly, loving fashion.
If the church is seen as a corporation then […]

The Power of Yes!


It always amazes me how much talk a church can do and still accomplish nothing. Sure, sometimes the discussion gets to yes, but far too often the NO comes about because too much time has passed. Too much talk and not enough do.

I suppose that’s why the book Action Trumps Everything by Len Schlesinger, president of Babson […]

A Missional Approach to Conflict with Sports

More and more church leaders are reporting to me that they are having conflicts between sports schedules and their church’s schedule. This has been a growing problem since the 1980s.

I just recently received an email from a client I’m coaching who asked my advice on what to do with just such a problem. In this case it […]

Alpha: Effective Outreach

Christendom is dead.  It used to be that Christianity was referenced in textbooks, the media, the arts, and in daily conversation, with certain regularity; it was assumed that most people, at least in America, were Christian.  It used to be, but not any more.  It’s a shock to realize when you’re a Christian, and are interacting casually […]

Time to Daydream

I daydream a lot. Some might even say I fantasize. It’s my own little world. I dream about winning the biggest billfish tournament in the world. I dream about seeing my wife again in this world. I dream about making a difference in the world. I dream about what I could do with ten […]

Dare We Peek into the Future?

Recently, I received a phone call from an old client I had not heard from for several years. He called to ask if I had given any thought to making a new list of predictions about the future. He had just re-read my 1993 book entitled Dancing with Dinosaurs and was impressed that the […]