Radical Discipleship Is What We Need

Radical Discipleship

The one ingredient missing in many of today’s churches is radical discipleship.[1] Radical discipleship was the norm for the early Christians.

So what is radical discipleship? It is allowing every facet of one’s life to be shaped by the life of Jesus. It’s more than attending a membership class or attending worship or even […]

A Church Planter and Church Transformation Self-Assessment

When it comes to professional pastoral ministries, the absolute must difficult job of all is effectively leading a church’s transformation. That’s a glamourless, thankless, painful, heart-wrenching, aggravating, and too often career-ending task. In fact, the only ones who intentionally consider engaging in this kind of ministry are either narcissistic, arrogant, savior-complexed martyrs or else the God-called […]

Take Newcomers Down a Different Pathway

For the week of October 31, 2005

Take Newcomers Down a Different Pathway

By: Paul Nickerson

One effective way of changing the core discipleship pattern in a congregation is to begin with those who are new to your church. While long-term members often find it difficult to think of “doing church” in any way different from the […]

Unlearning Our Way Forward

I’m sure we would all agree that our world is changing faster than at any other time in our lifetime and most likely in all of history. And with such fast paced change we are watching many of the tried and true principles by which pastors have led and grown churches are no longer […]

Say NO to what will not grow your church.

If your church, through the vision God has given you to serve is beginning to effectively grow, you will inevitably be approached by leaders within your denomination or community to serve in some capacity.

Local civic organizations like Kiwanis, Lions Club or Rotary are good groups to help you connect with other community leaders.  Being […]

Transform Television Time

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

Quick, what’s the most used appliance in your house?

For most North American homes it’s the television. The average American adult spends about four hours a day watching TV and our children and youth generally spend even more time. And though I recommend “fasting” from the television from time to time, there are […]

Start a New Message Series on Easter

For most churches, Easter is the best-attended Sunday of the year and many of those in attendance will be those who only attend on Christmas and Easter. Each year at this time I would ask myself what kind of series should I begin on Easter Sunday that would hopefully make everyone present make spiritual […]

From Popcorn to Post-Mortem: Anatomy of Ministry Failure

In the heart of a bustling suburban neighborhood, a local church, brimming with enthusiasm and good intentions, embarked on a mission to attract young families. Their plan? A Saturday night family movie event, featuring a beloved classic Disney film. The team behind this initiative was confident they had all the right ingredients for success: […]

Online Shopping Fundraisers for Churches: The Complete Guide

If you’re a church leader, fundraising coordinator, or giving committee member, you’ve probably spent time thinking about what goes into a successful church fundraiser. However, the best giving initiatives are not just lucrative—they also make effective use of your team’s limited time and resources while engaging your congregation.

One engaging, resource-efficient way to raise extra […]