The ABC Holiday Checklist

Christmas has begun. Oh, Advent is still a month away, but every big box store has rolled out the holiday decorations and even mom and pop stores are getting into the act little by little. We don’t have to like it, but as the church we’d better stop digging our heels in against it. […]

Ministry Lessons: 5 Ways to Turn Children Into Leaders

Most churches have a natural hierarchy of top-level responsibilities, spearheaded by the lead pastor or ministry leaders. But all believers should be ready and willing to lead, and it starts with teaching children in the congregation leadership skills.

Research shows that leaders tend to have higher cognitive ability, more self-confidence, and more motivation to drive. […]

A Declaration of Freedom from Decline

The United States of America is 242 years old.  That’s a long time for a nation to remain free. But, when you look at our history in the context of world history, America is just a child among the nations. Egypt, China, Japan and Greece all make America’s history seem so short. 242 years […]

Interveiw for Ginkworld


I.     Introduction

A.      Let me contextualize my thoughts.

1.      It is my contention that the world, and especially North America, is more like the first century than the 20th century. If that is true, our strategies must be different and the world is ripe for a major new movement that could reshape the world. The question is […]

Connecting With the Digital Generation in Worship

The pastor had committed a faux pas… that much was clear. The Board met immediately following the service and after a few brief minutes they made their pronouncement.

“The pastor may no longer refer to Twitter or texting during worship.”

True story. And unless something seriously changes in that church I can draw the timeline to […]

Measuring Church Transformation

In August, I wrote a blog entry on why so many church consultations fail to net positive, long-term results. As I wrote that article, in the back of my mind was the ongoing question that I often get about how to measure a church’s transformation. There’s always a lot of pushback from church leaders […]

Defining and Measuring Transformation

Over the years I’ve found that it can be both tempting and easy to get caught up in the nearly endless discussions around definitions and measurements. When it comes to church transformation in North America, this discussion too often opens as the trap of distraction. The distraction of definitions and measurements has provided far […]

Communicating the Gospel on the Internet

The Internet has given Christian churches and ministries a brand new opportunity to communicate the gospel in a new, worldwide society.  Distance in time and physical space is not a major obstacle anymore.  Communication happens via e-mail, Web pages on the Net with text or graphics with hyperlinks, animation, audio and video. Internet Relay […]

What Small Groups Can Learn from the House Church Movement

If nominations were solicited for a single word that best described the North American house church and home fellowship movement, “potential” might be the one in the sealed envelope. David Garrison who has studied global church planting movements suggests that house church planting is one of the key factors for the growth of global […]