Musings on Art and the relationship to Worship


There is a phenomenon in churches today—yes, yet another one.  The arts and worship.  I’m hearing about it, I’m experiencing it.  I am even teaching it.  And I am worried about it, a bit.  I suppose we are “a ways off” from church leaders completely usurping it, […]

Getting Beyond the Mirror

The other night, I met with a new church plant’s core leadership for a planning session. Each member of the leadership core has served the church literally for years and are all excited about making a difference in their community. The new church is using a cell group model for their church plant and […]

Changing the Committee Forecast for the New Year

It’s the time of year when churches across the nation will be installing their new officers, committee chairs, board members, etc. There will be a meaningful installation service (there will be a meaning-full service in your church, right?) and these committed men and women will excitedly begin their service to the church for the next year. […]

What I am Learning About Permission Giving Churches Part Two

Bill Easum

What Churches are Teaching Me
About Permission-Giving Churches
Part Two

To bring everyone up to speed with last month’s article, a permission – giving church is one in which people are empowered to live out their spiritual gifts without having to ask for permission.[i] Last month we focused on what permission – giving churches are teaching me […]

Disciple More by Leveraging What You’re Already Doing

Every week, thousands of pastors spend hours and hours creating a sermonic masterpiece that will be heard once by fewer than 60 people.
Every week, tens of thousands of Sunday school classes will meet to educate and ostensibly disciple less than a dozen people.

The same goes for Bible studies, small group studies, and so on.

All […]

Worship Websites

1. Sally Morgenthaler

2. Worship Books, Articles, Reviews,Keyboard Tutorials, Sound System Design,Multimedia Presentations, MIDI & Synthesizer Info/Tutorials, Worship Classified Listings, Worship Links, Conferences, Seminars, Worship CDs, Christian Music Arrangements, Sheet Music, MIDI Song Files

3. Worship leaders resources, conferences, music.


5.   Lin Wilson and Jason Moore who used to be at Ginghamsburg church

6. worship resources, articles, seminars, CD’s

7. worship music _ often have […]

Invite a Friend this Easter

“82 percent of the unchurched are at least “some what likely” to attend church if they are invited. Perhaps we need to pause on this response. Perhaps we need to restate it: More than eight out of ten of the unchurched said they would come to church if they were invited. If you take […]

Kick Start Growth

The majority of churches in North America have been experiencing over a decade of decline or plateau. Often, common sense prevails and church leaders will endeavor to put church growth plans into place that will grow their church on a slow, and yet consistent, basis. The fact is, though, churches rarely grow slowly and […]

Frost and Hirsch, The Shaping of Things to Come

Frost and HirschThe Shaping of Things To Come

This is a book that should be read by every Christian who knows something is wrong with today’s version of Christianity but can’t put their finger on what it is. The authors challenge every facet of Christianity today from ordination to the traditional creeds and offer a […]