Small Group Thinking

It’s become common knowledge that small groups are the most effective discipleship making tools in the church. For over a decade now, small group initiatives have been launched in church after church and according to many studies, the vast majority of Christians have attended a small group as an adult.The presumption that participation in […]

Judge Not? Not!!

“You can’t judge me!” It was a church member who was saying that as the pastor gently explained that their unseemly behavior at the previous board meeting had been unacceptable.

“Judge not” has become the rallying cry for tolerating bullies and terrorists in the church because, well, it just doesn’t seem right to “judge” […]

War Ship Small Groups

I recently had a student who designed a new small group system for her church and called them War Ship Small Groups.

And she was uniformly eaten by a couple of students for using battle language … I guess because that kind of language is pointedly missing from the Bible (I don’t know which […]

Joyful Generosity

A couple of weeks ago, while being inundated with an onslaught of political commercials spouting angry allegations, echoing the divisiveness in our state and nation, I paid my taxes.

I mailed in my estimated State and Federal vouchers along with a check. I do so every quarter as an obligation and a duty as a […]

Be An Encourager Part 1

As Mother’s Day approaches I have been thinking about what an encourager my sweet mother, Lorraine was to me. From the time I was a small boy she told me that God had great things planned for me and she supported me, sacrificed for me and every day encouraged me in an attempt to […]

Go for the Gold

This week, thousands of people have gathered in Tokyo and millions of others from around the world will watch great athletes from over 200 countries compete for gold medals in the Olympic games. Years of hard work, dedication, and desire are put to the ultimate test in the Summer Olympics.

Imagine if you saw […]

Developing Emotional Maturity (Part 2)

As Christian leaders we are called to continually grow to more like Christ, developing in the same ways he did.

Luke 2:52 tells us four ways that Jesus developed, “Jesus grew in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and favor with man.”

He developed in wisdom – intellectual development.

He developed in stature – […]

Celebrate Forty Days of March Madness

From Ash Wednesday until Easter most churches do some kind of spiritual preparation campaign. In our sports dominated culture, I suggest you use men’s interest in college basketball to attract new visitors to your church.

During college basketball’s championship tourney commonly called March Madness or as CBS television has dubbed it, “The Road to the […]

Strengthening Your Church’s Structure

So many of the commercials I see on T.V. are for prescription medicines or vitamin and mineral supplements directed at me for the wellbeing of my body. It seems to me that I am in the target market of the 55 + million Americans who suffer from stiff and achy joints. These advertisements warn […]