Get Out of Your Office

The following is from a good friend of EBA.  It is a telling story of why pastors should spend as much time as they can out of the office and in the public.
Bill Easum

Alright, so I’m wandering around town.

I bump into my friend who’s recently out of jail from a DWI charge.  He
can’t get […]

How to Develop a Healthy Outlook on Life

Over 50,000 people committed suicide last year. Over 100,000 people this past year typed into Google “I want to die.” Suicide and looking for a reason not to blow their brains are both on the rise. I find it curious that this rise in depression comes at the very time that Christianity is on […]

Embedding DNA


Embedding DNA

By: Tom Bandy

It takes about three “cuts”, often over 3-5 years, to really embed the DNA of a church to become an enduring and guiding part of its culture. Each “cut” goes deeper, and makes congregational identity clearer.

• The first “cut” is often led by a prophetic or visionary pastor who communicates the […]

Jesus Manifesto

For a long time I’ve taught there are only two critical questions facing humankind:

What is it about my relationship to Christ that my neighbor needs to experience?
How can I rabidly share that relationship without coming off like a bigot?

Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola have made a major contribution to these two questions in […]

Absolute Truth

From Paul Franklyn, Electronic Editor at Abindon Press

I usually don’t contribute to the list, for I am an editor in publishing and not a congregational leader, but I touched this topic today at an Easter Monday worship, here at the office.

On absolute truth, take a look at the works of CS Lewis. In particular, […]

Why Kindness: An Invitation to be a World Changer

Every person on Planet Earth has at least one thing in common.  Regardless of creed, geography or age:  We all want to leave the world in a better state than the way we found it.  

I have drawn encouragement from numerous influential rabbis throughout history. The rabbis I particularly enjoy are the ones who have committed […]

So Tell Me

“So tell me, good sir,” as he asked the question, his face made it clear, he was brimming with skepticism about any credibility to the idea of serving, “Just how long does it take before those served respond to your message?”

I thought I understood what he was getting at, but just so the several […]

What I Learned About Turn Around

June 2002

This September marks my five year anniversary at Grace Church. God’s Spirit continues to blow on our work. This January we launched our fifth weekend service, the Saddleback model, Celebrate Recovery. With this addition, we are running over 1400 on weekends, plus another 300+ at New Community on Wednesday night. Remember that my […]

Leaving Planet Earth: The Secret

Every person on Planet Earth has at least one thing in common.  Regardless of creed, geography or age:  We all want to leave the world in a better state than the way we found it.  

I have drawn encouragement from numerous influential rabbis throughout history. The rabbis I particularly enjoy are the ones who have committed […]