Four Levels of Maturity

Congregations have four levels of maturity – okay, good, quality, and excellence. As the church grows in numbers, it must also grow in its maturity. People expect more the larger a church becomes, and it takes more maturity to disciple people as the church grows. So here is how it works. Rate where your […]

Congregational Trust Building

Take a good look around at your next church board meeting. Listen to the questions and the comments. Look at the faces. More importantly, though, look at the body language.

What does it tell you?

If you’re like many church leaders, you might conclude it’s a pretty grim scene with a lot of crossed arms, rolled […]

Meditating on Exodus 18

The story of Moses and Jethro can help us understand the role of leadership and the importance of relationships. In this text Jethro bluntly tells Moses that his leadership style stinks -“What you are doing is not good.”

Jethro could do that because they had known each other for more than 40 years. They had […]

Conversation About Jesus

If you were to have a conversation about Jesus with a non-Christian, what would you say and do?

When was the last time you had a conversation with someone about their relationship to Jesus Christ?

One of the hard pills most church leaders need to swallow and digest is the realization that preaching as we know […]

Multiple Activities on Sunday

It is not unusual for congregations to have multiple activities on Sunday morning. When they do, it is good to consider the following givens.

One, adding a second Sunday School is very difficult because: it breaks up children from their friends; it allows people to shift back and forth between the two hours which results […]

Pushing the Limits of Possibilities

By Bill Easum

β€œI can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Phil 4:13. I wonder how many church leaders really believe this? More importantly, I wonder how many live as if they believe it? This text raises several questions-β€œWhat would I change about my life if I truly incorporated this text into my life?” […]

For Church Planters’ Eyes Only

Over the years I’ve noticed something about church plants that might be helpful to you. Somewhere around 125-200 in worship, many semi-successful church planters lose their focus on outreach and bringing more people to Christ, and the church stalls out. I’ve noticed several reasons for this loss of focus on outreach and evangelism. I […]

Churches Committed To Multiplication: Part Three

As a result of my time at the think tank in Atlanta, I spent some time listening to the message of several pastors who are leading either reproducing or multiplying churches, and I confirmed a suspicion I’ve had for some time.

The success of a church is not determined by how wellΒ the pastor teaches or […]

Don’t Start with the Bible

When I went to seminary, we were taught that the best, most authentic, relevant way to preach was to create an expository sermon. For the uninitiated that’s a sermon that starts with a scripture passage, “expose” it by digging in to teach what the passage says, what the author meant, and then apply it […]