Release Your Young Leaders

By Bill Easum
         Over the years the average age of the people who serve in leadership on the churches Boards I’ve worked with (over six hundred) is fifty-two years of age, whereas the average age of our country is 36.9. In addition, the average board member has been a member of the church for […]

Being Christian Isn’t Enough

The world “Christian” has too much baggage to be of much use. I remember a person saying back in the 70s that if you were born in the U.S., you were either a Christian or Jew.  To some, being a Christian means going to church or reading your Bible. To others, it simply means doing […]

Six signs of a Spiritually Dead Church

By Bill Easum

For much of the past three decades, denominational officials have been promoting seminars and programs aimed at revitalizing the church. I know because I have been the speaker or consultant to many of these groups. For many of these leaders, their goal was to breathe new life into churches experiencing declining memberships […]

The One Thing to Do If Your Church Is Declining

If your church is not growing, there is one thing you must do to get it growing.  You must ask yourself this question every time you are about to something or spend money – “If I do this today will it result in more people in worship tomorrow?  If not, I better have a […]

Confronting the Church’s Fog Horns

I received a question from a recent seminar participant that was buried in one of the comments. I started to answer it there, but when I finished I realized it was way too long to be just a comment … so I repost it here.

The question was “So, how does one confront the “Fog […]

The Permanent Revolution is a Great Read

The Permanent Revolution, by Alan Hirsch and Tim Catchim

Let the fireworks begin! You’ll either love The Permanent Revolution or you’ll hate it.

Hirsch and Catchim have opened a huge can of worms that has been rotting for centuries.  What can am I referring to? The Apostolic can.

The authors declare that it is impossible for the church […]

Nice Is a Four-Letter Word

When it comes to working with church leaders, I’ve found that the word “NICE” is one of the most problematic four-letter-words. In terms of damage done to the church, I rank it as way more dangerous than any f-bomb someone might drop.

I’ve tried, but I can’t trace the origins of when “nice” became a […]

Developing a Membership Covenant

I’m a big “DNA” fan; that is, I believe that, before a church can be effectively planted, grown, or transformed (pick whichever category you find yourself in), its leaders, and ultimately its congregation, have to wrestle with this question: “Why do we exist and what does it matter?”  Once the grappling is over and the leaders emerge […]

How to Start a New Service

There are several essentials to effectively starting an indigenous service.

1.       Identify the key issues in the target audience. Do they see church as an option, when would they most likely attend, and why don’t they attend now?  Conducting a focus group with the appropriate age group can help you obtain this information.  Design the […]