The Illusion of “Fair”

“But that’s not fair!”

These are words I expect to hear from my young grandchildren … not words I expect to hear from adults, let alone mature Christians. But I hear them nonetheless.

“We can’t appoint Frank to an elder’s position … he doesn’t participate in any adult faith formation groups.”
     “But that’s not fair …”

“We have […]

Paradigm Factors

A paradigm is a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodologies that are commonly accepted and shared by members of any discipline or group.  As such paradigms determine how we interpret life. Here are some of the factors you will need to be aware of when you attempt any kind of […]

The Power of Hyper Focus Drive

Most of you reading this probably already know that I’m ADHD (Attention Deficit, Hyperactive Disorder), which means that (1) I don’t sit still well and (2) I am easily distracted.

“Oh look! A chicken.”

Yeah. That kind of distracted. That being so, I’ve had to learn to cope with focus most of my life. I’ve done […]

Follow-Up: Part Three

This post started off as a response to a comment left by Frank in the Churches That Don’t Want To Grow post. He attends a fifty year old church in a fifty year old neighborhood that’s suffering from decline. He wanted to know a bit more about visitor follow up and so on.

So, let […]

You Need a Friend/Coach in Christ

Why do we try to do things on our own in church ministry?  Why do we seem to honor being a Lone Ranger?  Okay, not even the Lone Ranger did things on his own.  There was Tonto.

The greatest professional athletes have coaches.   Why do we do ministry relatively alone?  Why does the concept […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part Four

Boy do I have egg on my face.

Like most of the people who coach church planters, I’ve always told them that the most important thing they can do is get butts in the seats. Don’t worry about serious discipleship until you get a crowd. The problem with this is that by the time […]