The Missional Church: Christianity Redefined as Paradox

Missional is the buzzword of the day. You can get new life and extra mileage out of almost any church topic by adding “missional” to otherwise ordinary words. But add Missional to Christianity and many Western Christians start getting uncomfortable. As the missional church redefines Christianity, and make no mistake about it, Christianity as […]

Arn, Win and Charles, The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples

(Baker Books, 1998) 175 pages, paperback, $10.99. Obtain from Baker Book House Co., P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49516-6287.

This may be the last book on evangelism you need on your bookshelf. The book is based on one assumption: The most effective was as well as the New Testament way to make disciples is […]

Ten Ways to Life or Death

By: Jeff Patton

#1—EQUIP—Ephesians 4:11-12 is quite clear.  The role of the pastor is to equip the saints.  So equip, equip, equip.  Stop doing all the ministry.  Empower the people to live in the fullness of the Holy Spirit by using their gifts, stretching their faith and witness God’s power in their midst’s.

#2—Do something to encourage […]

Peer Coaching

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

There’s a new “craze” in the world of church leadership development called “Peer Coaching.” Although peer coaching isn’t really “new,” there’s been renewed interest in it because of the inability of most church leaders to transform their stagnant or dying congregations. The hope is if they throw a dozen local church leaders together […]

Small Groups Defined

Often I get a question about the difference between a small group and a non-small group (what I call a “Class” and so on). I tend to differentiate between these groups based primarily on their discipleship development processes.

 House Church: A house church (sometimes called micro-churches, simple churches, organic churches, etc.) is a church that meets […]

You Can’t Lead Where You’re Not Going

I hear about it all too often. Some pastor shares his/her frustration because they can’t rally the congregation to get serious about evangelism. Or follow-up.  Or missions within the community. The list goes on and on. But when I ask the all important question, “So, when was the last time you personally introduced someone […]

You Get What You Look For

When I work in a church with a large staff invariably two of three of the staff have all of the volunteers they need while the rest of the staff complain that no one in the church will volunteer to serve.  If there are ten full time paid staff, two will have lots of […]

Measuring Results in Worship (Part 2 of 4)

The best way to start evaluating worship is to focus the mission goal of worship. Growing churches diversify worship options, not by style or time of day, but my mission purpose. Is it healing worship? Coaching worship? Educational worship? Transformational worship? Care giving worship? Inspirational worship? Mission connectional worship?

Sometimes you can measure life changes […]

The Ministry of Distractions

I made a comment at a recent seminar that the only way pastors can reach the unreached is to get out of the office. Seemed to me like a no-brainer, but I repeatedly heard comments like, “Get out of the office and do what?!”

The answer is to “Get out of the office and get distracted!”

I […]