The Irresistble Church

What caused you to write The Irresistible Church? What was the need?

People in America have been polled as being spiritual but not religious. This tells me that they are interested in God but not necessarily the church. The church was always designed to be the resplendence of God, a preview of heaven. However, the church is […]

Controllers and Systems

For excellent resources see Bill Easum, Unfreezing Moves


What Bill says works with controllers because controllers are all about trying to maintain the status quo and maintain homeostasis. That’s how they keep control. If you focus on your controllers, then you are simply contributing to the anxiety, and sooner or later the anxiety will focus […]

Why Don’t People Attend Small Groups?

From our Advanced list serve (2006)   To join click here

In the past while serving more conventional churches, I’ve also experienced the difficulty of getting small groups up and running.  I was pondering, as I read your email, as to why it is so difficult to get them started.  Here are a couple of thoughts I have, […]

Effects of Turnaround on Pastors

From Bill Easum

It has been my experience that three out of four pastors who try to turn a church around lose their job.

OnLine Conversations

“frustrated””negative growth area””discouraged””nothing to offer””seven years of hard, hard work, prayer, and some suffering””inadequate and overwhelmed””dogged faithfulness””apathy pervades””very fearful””I hope my attitude isn’t all washed up””poignant””resistance””controlites””terminal disease””it has taken two years […]

How Do You Spell Leadership?

For the week of February 20, 2006

How Do You Spell Leadership

By: Bill Easum

How do you SPELL leadership? Try it this way: Specific Preparation Enables Loving Leaderships. I imagine all of us understand that to preach a great sermon requires various forms of preparation. That’s sort of obvious. But what isn’t as obvious is that […]

How Do Great Leaders Unlock the Potential in Others?


How Do Great Leaders Unlock the Potential of Others?

First, Break All the Rules: What the World’s Greatest Managers do Differently, Marcus Buckingham & Curt Coffman

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw

“You cannot build a great team simply by selecting people based on their experiences, intelligence, and determination. Defining the right steps and fixing people’s weaknesses are not […]

Mission Attitude

Mission Attitude

By: Tom Bandy

Parish clergy are an endangered species in the emerging world of indifference or hostility to the established church. Attitude is everything. You can acquire the skills you need, but unless you have the right attitude you are vulnerable to drop out or burn out. Score yourself (and ask others to score […]

Location, Location, Location

For the week of February 21, 2005


Location, Location, Location

By: Tom Bandy

You’ve seen the real estate ads emphasizing the importance of having a home close to all the conveniences of school, shopping, work, and leisure. The same applies to the church. Your church building was originally constructed on your site because at the time it […]

Starting Small Groups

For the week of July 18, 2005

Starting Small Groups

By: Bill Tenny-Brittian

While serving conventional churches, many have experienced difficulty in getting small groups up and running. It might make you wonder what makes it so difficult to get them started. Here are a couple of thoughts, as well as a few suggestions, for getting them […]