5 Steps for Creating a Hospitality Culture

There is a fundamental flaw in the church of the early 21st century.Β  We have identified it quite clearly, but talk is inadequate.Β  As the old GI Joe commercial went, knowing is half the battle.Β  That’s great, but there’s another half to go.

What’s the issue?Β  Commercialization of the Church.Β  How did we go from […]

Something Wonderful Is Happening

Something wonderful has happened in the last decade, something we haven’t ever seen happen in the U.S. and I’m not talking about Mr. Wonderful. I’m talking about something so wonderful that is makes me wish I were twenty again so I could have more of a part in it – something that I have […]

Politics and the Church

I was recently teaching a Church Leadership class at Phillips Theological Seminary and a student mentioned the need for the church to be proactive in political issues because Jesus was. I got a bit confused by that comment.

I’m not sure which political issues Jesus confronted. There is no question that he confronted the religious […]

Throw Off What Hinders Your Church

I was reading an article about Alexander the Great whose troops after many victorious battles looked like they were about to be defeated. His soldiers had taken so much plunder from their previous campaigns that they had become weighted down and were losing their effectiveness in combat.

Alexander commanded that all the spoils of war […]

From Doers to Equippers – Part Three

What happens during the transition?

The pastor must carefully and slowly chip away at destroying the dependent culture and establishing a growth culture. For eight years, I chipped away at changing the culture to one of equipping. I spent those 8 years filtering out whom I had to see and get fired and whom I […]


Recently, someone asked me to boil down the concept of multiplication as far as I possibility can. So here goes.
Looking at many of the churches that are multiplying I’ve noticed there are five things that I see in every one of these churches and oddly enough they coincide with our book Dinosaurs to Rabbits: […]

All Things Are Possible! Really?

According to Scripture, you are the next chapter in the life and ministry of Jesus. You were created to finish what Jesus “began to do and teach.” (Acts 1:1) And here is the kicker – what God achieves through you will be greater than what Jesus did. (John 14:12)

I want you to give these two […]

Tell ‘Em What To Do

What’s the most important thing about your sermon?

Is it the scripture you start with?
The introduction that gets the congregation on board?
The stories they’ll remember for the rest of their lives?
The exposition of the deeper truths of the biblical passage?
The application of those truths to real life?
The invitation?

Let’s agree that they’re all important. A well […]

Ummm … Coffee!

Anyone who spies me in the morning has a pretty good idea that coffee is one of my best friends. A good cuppa is my near-constant companion from breakfast until an hour before lunch.

Except when I’m a visitor at church … or at least at most churches.

You see, although I’m not a […]