All Things Are Possible! Really?

According to Scripture, you are the next chapter in the life and ministry of Jesus. You were created to finish what Jesus “began to do and teach.” (Acts 1:1) And here is the kicker – what God achieves through you will be greater than what Jesus did. (John 14:12)

I want you to give these two […]

Jesus Manifesto

For a long time I’ve taught there are only two critical questions facing humankind:

What is it about my relationship to Christ that my neighbor needs to experience?
How can I rabidly share that relationship without coming off like a bigot?

Leonard Sweet and Frank Viola have made a major contribution to these two questions in […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part Four

Boy do I have egg on my face.

Like most of the people who coach church planters, I’ve always told them that the most important thing they can do is get butts in the seats. Don’t worry about serious discipleship until you get a crowd. The problem with this is that by the time […]

Flip Your Church Step 3: Develop Congregational Unity

For some, the thought of congregational unity may be more like a fantasy than a vision of reality, and yet there are churches dotted across the nation that are not only missionally aligned, but they are unified in all they do. That doesn’t mean the members are all automatons or that everyone agrees with everything. […]

The Business of Church

Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church’s and faith’s reputation. Too often, spiritual seekers have turned in desperation to the church only to discover the church so embroiled in “business as usual” that there […]

Waiting for the Next Something

On my way back from a church conference, I got on an airplane with more than its fair share of church leaders on it. This particular conference had been wildly popular and the keynote speakers frequently reminded us for the need to be faithful, effective, and efficient. The men and women in attendance seemed […]

Disciple Making = Church Growth?

Recently a troll caught one of our posts about radical disciple making and took it out for an attempted thrashing. To be honest, I get amused when someone takes us to task because we’re so focused on church growth. “It’s all about the numbers for you guys” as if that’s some sort of an […]

Never Call It a Welcome Center

Too many churches don’t have an information center – and the ones that do seem to tuck it away against the back wall in some out-of-the-way corner. A well run information center is worth its weight in gold.

That being said, don’t make these information center faux pas:

Instead of “Information Center,” it’s labeled “Visitors” or “Welcome” […]

Slow… Steady… Strategic

[featured-img]One of the problems with high-functioning ministers is that our energy tends to always function quite highly, even to the point of dysfunction at times. Many of us score a high “P” on the Myers-Briggs Inventory (which, by the way stands for PANTS, as in fly-by-the-seat-of), so orderly doesn’t tend to be either in […]