Sermon-Based Small Groups

“What curriculum should my small group use?” More and more vital churches are answering that question by using sermon-based material.

Larry Osborne, pastor at North Coast Church in San Diego, has helped popularize this approach, which makes the weekend sermon the basis for the small group discussion the following week. Not simply a review of […]

Deep Change, Discovering the Leader Within by Robert E. Quinn

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw

Ultimately, deep change, whether at the personal or the organizational level, is a spiritual process….Contemplation is recommended to help us meet and overcome the challenges we face from our powerful defense mechanisms.  Confronting our defense mechanisms leads to a necessary examination of self.  To thwart our defense mechanisms and bypass slow death, […]

Why Your Church Mission Statement Isn’t Effective

A mission statement defines the purpose of an individual, group, business, or institution. Ostensibly, a mission statement defines the “end result” of the organization’s activities. “Shareholder profitability” may sound self-serving, but that is exactly the results expected of a publicly held corporation.

The reason so many churches’ mission statements don’t achieve the expected results is […]

Church Leader’s Five Must-Do’s for Every Day

It’s said that the average leader spends 80 percent of their time doing little that will further their mission. That means that the important stuff gets short shrift by a bunch. What would happen if the average leader spent 80 percent of their time on the real important stuff … on those tasks that […]

Training Services

…Effective and Productive Staff The right staff in the right positions that are fully committed to mission alignment and vision fulfillment. A staff that leads by example and raises up…

Essentials for Breaking Worship Barriers: Part Four

So far we’ve looked at the essentials for breaking three barriers: 200, 500, and 1,000 in worship. We’ve learned that each barrier builds on the essentials of the previous two barriers.  Any one of the essentials that is missing will make your leadership much more difficult. Now, it’s time to look at breaking the […]

Exponential West 2015

Hey folks, I’m going to be at Exponential West, the largest gathering of church planters in the world, and I’d love to see you there.  It’s that good, and its not just for planters.  For example, I’m doing a pre-conference called “Giving New Life To A Stuck Church,” and then I will do two […]

The Ten Most Influential Churches of the Past Century

My friend Elmer Towns just finished a book: The Ten Most Influential Churches of the Past Century. In the book, he gives a thorough examination of the contribution of each church. As always, his research and analysis of what makes a church historically influential is impeccable. And you may be surprised at which churches are […]

Assimilation Tips

Win Arn put out a ratio book long ago, to effect of 1 of 5 first-time guests return on average.  Of those who come back a second time, 1 of 2 eventually stick

Our first impression is that churches who do assimilation best:

1. Respond within 24 hours to sign ins.
2. Have multiple entry points
3. Offer a […]