How Do You Spell Leadership?

For the week of February 20, 2006

How Do You Spell Leadership

By: Bill Easum

How do you SPELL leadership? Try it this way: Specific Preparation Enables Loving Leaderships. I imagine all of us understand that to preach a great sermon requires various forms of preparation. That’s sort of obvious. But what isn’t as obvious is that […]

Mission Attitude

Mission Attitude

By: Tom Bandy

Parish clergy are an endangered species in the emerging world of indifference or hostility to the established church. Attitude is everything. You can acquire the skills you need, but unless you have the right attitude you are vulnerable to drop out or burn out. Score yourself (and ask others to score […]

EBA Leadership Tip

Top Five Lessons from Great Pastors
by Jeff Patton
Top Five Lessons from Great Pastors
                    Summer time and the living is easy
                    Fish are jumping, and the cotton is high
                                                Gershwin  1922
 Well it is summertime and from where I sit, it is hot and the cotton ought to be high.
 I hope you have had time for […]

Quantum Physics and Leadership

In Modernity humans were the great observers.  What we saw and how we interpreted it became fiat law – even if it was wrong.  The world was flat; the world was round. The earth was the center of the universe; the earth is merely a pebble in a pond. Everything revolved around the earth; […]

Developing a Membership Covenant

I’m a big “DNA” fan; that is, I believe that, before a church can be effectively planted, grown, or transformed (pick whichever category you find yourself in), its leaders, and ultimately its congregation, have to wrestle with this question: “Why do we exist and what does it matter?”  Once the grappling is over and the leaders emerge […]

The Ministry of Distractions

I made a comment at a recent seminar that the only way pastors can reach the unreached is to get out of the office. Seemed to me like a no-brainer, but I repeatedly heard comments like, “Get out of the office and do what?!”

The answer is to “Get out of the office and get distracted!”

I […]

Tell ‘Em What To Do

What’s the most important thing about your sermon?

Is it the scripture you start with?
The introduction that gets the congregation on board?
The stories they’ll remember for the rest of their lives?
The exposition of the deeper truths of the biblical passage?
The application of those truths to real life?
The invitation?

Let’s agree that they’re all important. A well […]

Paradigm Factors

A paradigm is a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodologies that are commonly accepted and shared by members of any discipline or group.  As such paradigms determine how we interpret life. Here are some of the factors you will need to be aware of when you attempt any kind of […]

5 Steps to a Spirit-Driven Church

Is your church the way you want it?  Be honest.  Is your congregation the way you believe God wants it?  Be honest.

I believe the answer to those questions is often “no.”  And I’m sorry for you.  Most church leaders work very hard and are committed to Jesus.  Most church members really want the congregation […]