Living in a Wildcard Age

In my latest book, Doing Ministry in Hard Times, I included a chapter on Living in a Wildcard world.  I grew up in a wild card world where the probabilities far outweighed the wildcards.  You could, with a certain degree of accuracy, predict what would happen next. Today, it’s impossible because the wildcards outweigh […]

Team-Building Basics

It’s almost nominating time, and with nominations come the reconstitution of teams. But will they just do business as usual, or will they make a serious difference in your congregation? Much depends on what happens at their very first meeting.

When a team comes together for the first time, typically the pecking order gets quickly […]

Got Effective Members?

We live in a culture where church membership is a moving target. Those considering the move from guest to member may join the church for any number of reasons. Before joining any church, there are some questions a prospective member needs to ask (and answer). For instance, it’s important they feel comfortable with and […]

Pocket Numbers

Back in the days when I was involved in Toastmasters, I used to carry a “pocket speech” with me to every meeting. A pocket speech was a pre-prepared three- to five-minute speech that I could present just in case the scheduled speaker didn’t show up. Every member of our club was encouraged to have […]

Growing Your Church? You’ll Need Alliances

The following post is a rough draft of a section in the book 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth that I’m in the midst of writing. Your feedback is appreciated.

If you’re with me so far, then I’m guessing you’re pretty serious about growing your church. One might think that everyone in the church would […]

Being Christian Isn’t Enough

The world “Christian” has too much baggage to be of much use. I remember a person saying back in the 70s that if you were born in the U.S., you were either a Christian or Jew.  To some, being a Christian means going to church or reading your Bible. To others, it simply means doing […]

The First Strategy for Church Growth

The following post is a rough draft of a section in Chapter 1  in our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth.
Grow Spiritual Leaders to Grow Spiritual Members
Today’s spiritual seekers rarely turn to Christianity or to the church to find the answers they seek because of their past experiences or because of the church and […]

The One Thing to Do If Your Church Is Declining

If your church is not growing, there is one thing you must do to get it growing.  You must ask yourself this question every time you are about to something or spend money – “If I do this today will it result in more people in worship tomorrow?  If not, I better have a […]

A Not-so-Random Thought on Epiphany

We’ve all heard the tired adage bounced around each year that “Wise Men Still Seek Him.” It almost seems like a good sermon title. Almost.

The question we need to ask ourselves is whether or not that’s a valid statement in these post-modern, post-Christendom days. Are wise men and women still seeking the Jesus of […]