Ashkenas, Ron, The Boundaryless Organization

Jossey-Bass Publisher

This is an exceptional book that I would give five stars if my rating system went that high. It not only gives you the theory, it also gives you step-by-step examples of how to develop “permeable” structures without eliminating all of the hierarchy. Quite a trick.

Making a Difference

The U.S. is full of clergy who go from day to day with no plan for how to make their world a better place. They do what others want them to do as if that is why God put them here. Well, I don’t think that’s God’s plan. I think when God calls us, he […]

Intentional Disciple Making By Ron Bennett

A short easy to read and digest, practical work that offers the basics of developing an intentional disciplemaking life of church – but don’t let this summary fool you.  The insights are powerful and the examples can be quickly practiced in everyday life by anyone who is ready.  And the best part, personal stories […]

Caldwell, Kallestad, Sorensen, Entrepreneural Faith

Caldwell, Kallestad, Sorensen Drawing from both the example left by Jesus and their sixty years of experience as pastors, the authors paint a vivid picture of the life of a spiritual entrepreneur. The first part of the book is motivational while the second part becomes more practical.  If you want your horizon enlarged or challenged, you […]

Shaped By God’s Heart

by Milfred Minatrea

Minatrea has given us a ground level, insiders’ view of what many leaders today are calling the Missional Church – “a reproducing community of authentic disciples, being equipped as missionaries sent by God, to live and proclaim His Kingdom in the World.”  Drawing on numerous examples of some of the finest churches in the U.S., […]

Howard Snyder, Earth Currents

Snyder, HowardEarth Currents

(Abingdon Press) examines from a global perspective eight cultural trends that he believes will occur between 1990-2030. Chapters Five and Twelve are especially helpful for those concerned about environmental ministries. I give this book three stars.

Mega Churches Have Problems Too

Compare the top ten mega churches for 2003 and 2006. The changes are phenomenal.  Several churches took major hits in their attendance.


Lakewood Church (Oasis of Love) Houston 25,000
World Changers College Park, GA 23,000
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, CA 20,000
Potters House Dallas 18,500
Second Baptist Houston 18,500
Willow Creek South Burlington, ILL, […]

The Effective Mission Statement

A mission statement is the rudder that points the ship in the direction it’s called to go, and therefore must be sure, strong, and clear so that there is no doubt by anyone where the ship is going. The purpose (mission) of the church is to make disciples. Each church must wrestle with its […]

A Major Permission Giving Mistake

From Bill Easum on our Advanced Forum (to join click here)

One of the emerging problems for those doing permission-giving and allowing ministries to bubble up from a decentralized approach is that fact that every church has some core or basic ministries that must go on no matter whether someone comes forward to do them […]