The Primacy of Preaching

I’m reading a fascinating book, Preaching and Preachers, by D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones.  I must confess, I’ve never read anything by him before and that’s a shame. The book is an excellent read.  His premise is that preaching is the primary thing a minister does. He gives three reasons. One, because preaching is primary in […]

Play to Your Strengths

One of the most disconcerting practices I find in the church is the near obsession we have with our faults and our weaknesses. I’m not sure who to blame for what amounts to bad theology, but it seems that Augustine, Calvin, Luther, and Wesley may all share some of it. Or perhaps it’s the […]

The Permanent Revolution is a Great Read

The Permanent Revolution, by Alan Hirsch and Tim Catchim

Let the fireworks begin! You’ll either love The Permanent Revolution or you’ll hate it.

Hirsch and Catchim have opened a huge can of worms that has been rotting for centuries.  What can am I referring to? The Apostolic can.

The authors declare that it is impossible for the church […]

Ministry Is Distractions

I made a comment at a recent seminar that the only way pastors can reach the unreached is to get out of the office. Seemed to me like a no-brainer, but I repeatedly heard comments like, “Get out of the office and do what?!”

The answer is to “Get out of the office and get distracted!”

I […]

The Two Deadly Sins of Omission

There are two primary mistakes church leaders make that keep their church’s DNA* from being embedded/replicated in their congregation. Both are deadly, in terms of mission focus, alignment, and excitement, and both are equal in their devastating affects.

*(DNA = Mission, Values, Vision, Strategy, Beliefs, and Behaviors)

The first mistake can be summed up in two […]

Implementing Your Mission Statement

First a word about most church mission statements.

They’re beautifully word-smithed

They’re gorgeous

They’re suitable for framing.

But a mission statement that’s suitable for framing is rarely a mission statement that’s suitable for much of anything else.

A quick reminder that the founder of the church is the one who set its mission and that mission can be summed […]

Core Ministries

One of the emerging problems for those doing permission-giving and allowing ministries to bubble up from a decentralized approach is the fact that every church has some core or basic ministries that must go on no matter whether someone comes forward to do them or not.

This means that one of the roles of leadership […]

Does Prayer Make a Difference?

An original Post from one of our online forums

We’ve been dealing with the issue of prayer the last couple of months in our Lead Team meetings. While prayer is a part of everything we do (more prayer at worship than announcements), one of my leaders in particular is really wrestling with the issue of […]

Sidewalk Sunday School

Utilizing a box truck converted to be a portable platform theater with complete sound system, our volunteers travel to consecutive sites in the inner city, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. This high energy weekly program includes music, drama, Bible object lessons and stories, games, prizes and promotions. Each exciting minute is packed […]