What I Learned About Turn Around

June 2002

This September marks my five year anniversary at Grace Church. God’s Spirit continues to blow on our work. This January we launched our fifth weekend service, the Saddleback model, Celebrate Recovery. With this addition, we are running over 1400 on weekends, plus another 300+ at New Community on Wednesday night. Remember that my […]

A Culture of Fear

By Bill Easum with Doug Murren

The war with Iraq is “over” and the one in Afghanistan is winding down. But one thing is certain: The terrorists have already won because America is becoming a culture of fear. People are afraid to fly, even though they are more likely to be killed in an automobile […]

Leaving Planet Earth: The Secret

Every person on Planet Earth has at least one thing in common.  Regardless of creed, geography or age:  We all want to leave the world in a better state than the way we found it.  

I have drawn encouragement from numerous influential rabbis throughout history. The rabbis I particularly enjoy are the ones who have committed […]

Farm System

The greatest need of our time is more effective leadership. It is sheer folly to think that the people who led us well during Modernity can give us the same quality of leadership in the postmodern/pre-Christian world. Churches need to pour more time, energy, and money into training than they do construction. For more […]

Missionary Training Centers

For the week of August 01, 2005

Missionary Training Centers

By: Tom Bandy

Train your board, elders, or lay leaders with a different attitude this year. The church is not in the business of multiplying members, but of training missionaries. Worship is a reunion of missionaries for thanksgiving, upgraded training, and encouragement. The parking lot and the […]

Misdirected Calls

I want to write about something this month that no one wants to talk openly about (people talk to me privately, as you will see later). I know some of my readers will want to de-frock me, string me up, and pour hot tar mixed with feathers all over me, but I got to […]

Effects of Turnaround on Pastors

From Bill Easum

It has been my experience that three out of four pastors who try to turn a church around lose their job.

OnLine Conversations

“frustrated””negative growth area””discouraged””nothing to offer””seven years of hard, hard work, prayer, and some suffering””inadequate and overwhelmed””dogged faithfulness””apathy pervades””very fearful””I hope my attitude isn’t all washed up””poignant””resistance””controlites””terminal disease””it has taken two years […]

Worship Leader’s Job Description

Bill Easum 2007


Position Objective: To provide pastoral leadership to the worship ministries of (your church).

This should reflect whatever mission or vision statement you have.

Position Description: The worship pastor will be the “producer” of each worship service and special programs.  Although the senior pastor is the “director” in terms of setting the theme and overall direction, […]

EBA Leadership Tip


By: Bill Easum

In Modernity humans were the great observers. What we saw and how we interpreted it became fiat law – even if it was wrong. The world was flat; the world was round. The earth was the center of the universe; the earth was merely a pebble in a pond. Everything revolved around […]