Summer Ministries

From Bill Easum   From our Advanced Leadership Forum. Click here to join

Too many churches reduce ministries in the summer.  95% of these churches are declining and the attitude that would allow them to reduce ministries in the summer is one of the underlying issues of dying churches.

If so little is happening in your church […]

Leadership Pipeline 1

For the week of January 30, 2006

Leadership Pipeline 1

By: John Laster

What does your pool of emerging leaders look like? Do you ever experience frustration around the absence of men and women who are willing and capable of providing leadership in the various facets of congregational life? If new leaders are not bubbling to the […]

Democratic Rule

Democratic Rule

By: Bill Easum

Most of my ministry (a span of almost fifty years) has been accomplished within the framework of two denominations whose polity was some form of democratic rule. In other words, to get something done it had to be voted on either by the congregation or a group of elected representatives of […]

Leadership: Burden or Blessing?

For the week of February 28, 2005

Leadership: Burden or Blessing?

By: John Laster

There is significant instability, lack of focus, and an absence of trust and joy in the majority of congregational leadership teams today.

Make an opportunity soon to examine perceptions of your team’s dynamics. It can take some time to lay the groundwork of trust […]

Transitioning Isn’t Easy

For the week of July 11, 2005

Transitioning Isn’t Easy

By: Bill Easum

Thom Rainer just completed a study of churches that have successfully transitioned themselves without changing pastors. Out of 50,000 examples, he could only come up with thirteen, which goes to prove that it is easier to plant a new church than to transition an […]

Linking to Worship


Linking to Worship

By: Paul Nickerson

Initiate a “hand-off” strategy that links an event to a worship service. For example, if a jazz concert is planned Friday night and the public is invited through advertising and personal invitation, at the concert it is announced that the same jazz group will be playing in worship that coming […]

The Changing Times: Track 3 Questions

For the past decade I have said that we are nearing the time when it will no longer be true that the vast majority of people are converted before the age of 18. I think by the year 2050, that the majority of people will be converted after the age of 18. If this […]

Permission Giving

From our Advanced Listserve (to join click here)

More churches are using consensus instead of voting. One example, Epiphany Lutheran, Rock Hill, SC, is using consensus voting.  Since moving to the permission-giving structure, they have not voted once, in any arena.  They agreed that this was the best way.  They do no have “congregational meetings,” […]

Too Much Time in Meetings?

Too Much Time in Meetings?By: John Laster
It is not unusual to find Leadership Teams who eat up hours every month in meetings. Some teams even meet weekly, sometimes for several hours each week. Unless you are meeting weekly for several hours of prayer, you may have some “time-fat” you can trim from your leadership […]